Tag Archives: search engine ranking

How do you check if your website content is SEO optimized?

There are two main ways to check if your website content is SEO optimized: 1. Manual SEO Checklist: This involves going through a list of important SEO factors and making sure your content adheres to them. The great thing about … Continue reading

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How can web design support search engine optimization (SEO) efforts?

Web design and SEO go hand in hand. While web design focuses on the aesthetics and functionality of a website, SEO works to improve a website’s ranking in search results. By creating a website that is both user-friendly and SEO-friendly, … Continue reading

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Why is my website not responsive even if I put the viewport tag in ?

Thanks for the “Ask David” Question! Here’s a breakdown of why the meta tag alone might not make your website responsive and how to achieve responsiveness…and a reminder that you don’t need to worry about this with UltimateWB and the … Continue reading

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What Common SEO Mistakes Should Companies Avoid on Their WordPress Sites?

When it comes to building and managing a website, WordPress is a popular choice for many companies. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that there are alternatives like UltimateWB, which offers faster-loading websites and better optimization out of the box. If … Continue reading

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What is a good Domain Authority (DA) score? You covered it for spam, but what about for this?

There isn’t a single, definitive answer to what a “good” Domain Authority (DA) score is. It depends on a few factors: However, here’s a general guideline to get you started: Here are some additional things to keep in mind: Remember: … Continue reading

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Demystifying Domain Authority: Your Website’s Credibility Score

“What is Domain Authority in SEO?” In the competitive world of search engines, websites vie for that coveted top spot on the results page. But what makes one website rank higher than another? One key factor is domain authority. Domain … Continue reading

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Maintain SEO Power During Your Website Migration & Rebuild: A Smooth Builder Switch

“What is the process of migrating your website, doing a rebuild using the same domain with a different builder? Are there any potential issues that I need to be aware of?” Summary: Revamping your website? Don’t lose SEO juice! This … Continue reading

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Website Design Guide: Building a User-Friendly and Engaging Site

“What website design guide is the best strategy?” This guide offers key principles and best practices to craft a website that excels in both user experience and visual appeal. 1. Planning and Foundation 2. Design Principles 3. User Experience (UX) … Continue reading

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How can website speed and performance impact SEO and user experience?

Website speed and performance play a crucial role in both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and user experience. Here’s how they are connected: Impact on SEO: Impact on User Experience: Here’s an analogy: Imagine a brick-and-mortar store with slow service. Customers … Continue reading

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