Online Consultant

What's New in the Latest Upgrades

Want to know what features come with Ultimate Web Builder?

With each purchase of the Ultimate Web Builder Software License, you receive 1 year FREE Software Updates, and can upgrade at a low cost per year after that.  Check out  the latest new features below:


Ultimate Web Builder 8 - Upgrade for All Versions - COMING SOON! 

Branding Free is Now Included Free: All Versions

  • Software Version number has also been removed from the source code, for privacy & security reasons (you can login to your Admin Panel to check your software version)

Upgraded CMS: All Versions

  • New Page Editor box, produces upgraded coding
  • Easy Webp image creation/removal for your page: just click the button "Create Webp images and use "picture" tag to create the webp images and automatically update your code, and if you want to remove the Webp images, just click the button "Remove Webp images and revert to 'img src='". Click on the bottom "Save" button to save your changes.

Upgraded Styles Manager: All Versions

  • One button click to create Webp images for your style images; remove Webp images with one-click

Added CSS Class for Footer Links for more Customized Styling Option: All Versions

Coding Upgrade: All Versions

Compatibility with servers running PHP 8.2

Messaging App Upgrade: Full Version

  • Another formatting option available, similar to Instagram and Facebook, where the inbox/sentbox are one, and messages are grouped by user

Video & Voice Chat: Full Version

  • Integrate a video / voice chat for members
  • Option for Screenshare, Turn off Video, Mute, Add another user to chat, Upgrade to Video, direct commenting there

Member Registration Upgrade: Full Version

  • Registration form is set up so that if a user tries to register with an email address already registered, they get the usual registration confirmation, and an email is sent to that email address asking them if they tried to register again, and if so to reset their password if they need to, or to contact admin (you can customize the email/email subject from your admin panel).

Comments Upgrade: Full Version

  • Upgrade to the Captcha system to include the Question & Answer Option

E-Commerce Reviews Upgrade: Full Version

  • Upgrade to the Captcha system to include the Question & Answer Option


Ultimate Web Builder 7.72 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO  

Members App, Member Photos Upgrade: Full Version

  • Option added for members to update captions and position number of their member photos, similar to the Photos Uploads app.


Ultimate Web Builder 7.71 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO  

Members App, Ad(d)s Upgrade: Full Version

  • Now you can add custom coding to run after the Login and Sign Up member functions, similar to the options for the Facebook, Google, and Apple social logins. 


Ultimate Web Builder 7.7 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO  

Members App Upgrade: Full Version

  • Added option to redirect user to previous page trying to access, after logging in
  • Upgraded Coding 

Social Login App Upgrade: Full Version

  • Apple Sign In option added
  • Upgraded Coding for Facebook Login and Google Login options

Ad(d)s App Upgrade for Custom Coding: Full Version

  • Options to add/edit coding after Sign Up via Google, Login via Google, Sign Up via Apple, and Login via Apple, besides the similar options for the Facebook social login. 

Coding Upgrades: All Versions


Ultimate Web Builder 7.61 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO  

Forms Builder App Upgrade: Option to add coding after a successful form submission

Members App Upgrade: Upgraded Coding 


Ultimate Web Builder 7.6 - Upgrade for All Versions - UPDATED ON DEMO  

Menu Coding Upgrades: All Versions

  • Updated for adding images to your menu

Menu Plus Coding Upgrades: UWB Full, Lite, Essentials+

  • This is for organizing pages in multiple menus on your website

Coding Upgrades: All Versions 


Ultimate Web Builder 7.54 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO 

Coding Upgrades


Ultimate Web Builder 7.53 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO 

Social Apps Coding Upgrades: Compatibility with newer mysql (database) versions


Ultimate Web Builder 7.52 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO 

Members App Upgrade: 

  • Added Login/Register buttons Placeholder Text option
    • Login / Register buttons direct to the login page and register page, respectively
    • By default, they are rounded buttons; the styling for the Login button is the menu tabs color/background color, with change on mouseover, and for the Register button the initial styling/mouseover styling are switched.
    • You can customize the styling by adding your own CSS coding to the Extras section on your Styles Manager, for the class toploginbutton and topsignupbutton - check the forum for tips!
  • Coding updates for when the login system is via Email/Password (vs via Username or Username/Email)

Sitemap Generator Update: Code update for integrated WordPress blogs


Ultimate Web Builder 7.51 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO 

Templates Option Added for when you just need a basic member login system setup

  • Social Setup, Basic: Configure Settings in Social Config - Header Login boxes, Member Registration page, Edit Profile page, Public Profile page


Ultimate Web Builder 7.5 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO 

One-Page Website Tool: All Versions

  • With one-click of a button turn your website into a one-page website, and vice versa
  • Option to add a "Top" link between page sections; customize "Top" language

Search Tool Upgrade, Relevant Matches added: Full Version

  • New option to search for matches based on relevance and not an exact phrase match
  • Give users the option to choose between "Relevant Matches" or "Exact Matches", and/or choose the default search option.
  • You can set a different or same search option for Basic Search vs Advanced Search, for example set Basic Search to use the "Relevant Matches" search, and give users the option to also choose to search by "Exact Matches" in the title, keywords, content.
  • Added to all social apps, Articles, Listings Directory, Classifieds, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, Audio Uploads, File Uploads, Forum, Calendar Events


Ultimate Web Builder 7.4 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO 

Coding Upgrades: All Versions 

  • Contact Form (All)
  • Mailing List App (UWB Full/Lite)
  • All Social Apps (UWB Full)

Built-in WordPress Blog Integration Upgrade: UWB Full

  • Responsive formatting upgrade
  • Mobile friendly upgrade, Increased spacing between links
  • Plugins for Facebook Like / Social Bookmarking upgraded for SSL use


Ultimate Web Builder 7.3 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO 

Database Backup Tool Upgrade: All Versions 

Audio Uploads App Upgrade: UWB Full

Coding Upgrades 


Ultimate Web Builder 7.2 - Upgrade for UWB Full, UWB Lite, UWB Essentials+ UPDATED ON DEMO

Responsive App Upgrade: Added customizations for the Non-Scrolling Top Menu width, based on the user's screen size


Ultimate Web Builder 7.1 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO

Social App Upgrade: Members Login Display Option Added

  • Option to display "Forgot Password" link only after user click on the Login link, for a sleeker one-line login/register links display

E-commerce App Upgrade: Shopping Cart Display Option Added

  • Option to display just the # of items, rather than the word "item" or "items" after the value

Coding Upgrades


Ultimate Web Builder 7
 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Coding upgrades.


Ultimate Web Builder 6.91 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO

Members App Upgrade: 

  • Member Banner feature added - set default banner picture, minimum dimensions requirements, resizing dimensions, maximum file upload size.
  • Option added to display logged in member profile picture and/or banner by copying/pasting Placeholder Text - get it from the Configure Site > Social Networking, Public Profile section.


Ultimate Web Builder 6.9 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Timeline App Upgrade: Privacy Settings new options added (UWB Full)

  • Customize privacy icons display based on privacy setting for that post - i.e. for public post, private post, members only post, friends only post, custom post, etc.

Menu Plus App: New Feature Added (UWB Full, Lite, Essentials+)

  • Create additional menus besides the top menu
  • Organize pages into different menus from the Add/Edit Page
  • Copy/Paste the Placeholder Text for the Menu Plus to where you want it, and that's where it will display
  • Choose styling for Menu Plus: Horizontal Menu or Vertical Menu that is automatically stylized based on your page stylesheet

Menu Coding Upgrades: All Versions


Ultimate Web Builder 6.8 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Mosaic Grid app: Added to UltimateWB Lite (already in UltimateWB Full)

  • Upload photos and create html boxes (no coding required!), and configure and create a mosaic grid, i.e. photo/text collage
  • Set grid width, height, animation option, choose whether grid elements are draggable, choose a default size for grid elements, choose random sizing, random background colors
  • Batch Upload option for uploading grid media images
  • Photos can be linked to enlarged overlay pop-up or to a specified page

Members App, IP spam controls help: UltimateWB Full

  • Show 100 Most Used IP's - you can then search members by ip and choose to delete or ban

Coding upgrades: All Versions


Ultimate Web Builder 6.7 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Templates Generator, Header Templates Update: 

  • Header template option added: Header with the menu to the right of the logo (other option is header with the menu below) 


Ultimate Web Builder 6.6 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Record IP Address Toggle On/Off Option Added: All Versions

  • Added for Contact Form App (All Versions)
  • Added for Mailing List App (UWB Full & UWB Lite)
  • Added for Forms Builder App, with toggle option specific to each form that you create (UWB Full)

Members App Upgrade: UWB Full

  • Membership Registration Emails Upgrade
  • Member Login "Remember Me" Option Upgrade
  • Members Admin option added to show members by ip address

Articles App, Classifieds App, Listings Directory App, Scrapbooks App, Photo Uploads App, Video Uploads App, Audio Uploads App, File Uploads App Upgrade: UWB Full

  • Option added to not show added, update, and/or update by admin dates.

Forms Builder App: UWB Full

  • Styling Class added to radio/checkboxes, for better formatting and extra styling options
  • Styling code updates

Polls App: UWB Full

  • Styling code updates


Ultimate Web Builder 6.5 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

CMS Photos App Upgrade: All Versions

  • User interface for adding photos modified - you can now also add/manage photos directly from the Add/EdIt Page, besides the Admin Panel Photos section.
  • Photos uploaded on the Add/Edit Page can be assigned to the page for quick access on that specific page, or not assigned to any page, for quick access on all pages.

CMS Photo Gallery & Slideshows App Upgrade: UWB Full & UWB Lite

  • You can now automatically create a photo category to be associated with the page on the Add/Edit Page by checkmarking the box and clicking the button at the bottom of the page to add the page/save the page updates.
  • Photo Categories link/count added to the Edit Page to easily view/manage Photo Categories associated with a page.
  • List Photos tab added to the Edit Photo Category for easy access to photos associated with a photo category (besides accessing from the Photos page). 

CMS E-Commerce Items App Upgrade: UWB Full

  • User interface for adding photos to items modified - you can now also add/manage item photos directly from the Add/Edit Item page, besides the Admin Panel Photos section.
  • Search by Item Name feature added on the List Items Page


Ultimate Web Builder 6.4 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

SEO Option Added: All Versions

  • Option added to not show meta keywords in page coding

CMS Upgrade: All Versions

  • Option added to save Page Previous Versions and Edit/Revert To saved previous versions
  • Admin Panel session logout gives option to login again and redirect to previous page, as well as post any content that was pending

Show/Hide Password Option Added: All Versions

  • Option added to show/hide password for admin panel (All Versions)
  • Option added to show/hide password for members registration form and login form (UWB Full)

Question & Answer Pairs option for Captcha added to Forums App: UWB Full

WordPress Blog Integration, New Theme Added: UWB Full

  • Option for another theme to not show blog date and blog author for posts in certain categories


Ultimate Web Builder 6.3 - Upgrade for UWB Full & UWB Lite UPDATED ON DEMO

Sitemap Generator Tool upgrade: UWB Full & UWB Lite

  • Option added to exclude selected pages from the sitemap, via the Add/Edit Page

Social Networking, Member Search Tool Upgrade: UWB Full

  • "Search Only in Member's Group" option added - use to only show members in the search results from the logged in user's member group, when they are using the Member Search tool  


Ultimate Web Builder 6.2 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO

Code optimized & loading speed increased for built-in social apps


Ultimate Web Builder 6.1 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Question & Answer Pairs option for Captcha added: All Versions

  • Added to Contact form app
  • Added to Members registration form (Full Version)
  • Added to Forms Builder app (Full version)
  • Comes with 10 default question & answer pairs
  • Add/edit, activate/inactivate question & answer pairs from your admin panel, Configure Site > Basic Setup > Q & A, Captcha
  • User may switch the question on the form
  • Customize related phrases: Captcha Question, Switch Question, Answer, Wrong answer. Please try again.

    Other Captcha option is the Verification Code, where the user enters in the displayed code, or to not use Captcha at all. Forms Builder app also has the option to only use the selected Captcha when the member is not logged in.

Social Networking App update: Full Version

  • Reorganization of Social Networking configurations for Email Notifications, to allow for lower server resource requirements
  • Reorganization of Social Networking configurations menus for user friendliness


Ultimate Web Builder 6 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

PHP Version upgrade: All Versions

  • Compatibility with PHP versions to 7.4

Comments App Upgrade: UWB Full

  • Allow users to upload photo and/or video to comments
  • Option to restrict the adding photo/video to comments feature to members only
  • Set minimum photo size, photo thumbnail resize dimensions, photo/video max file sizes

Notifications App Upgrade: UWB Full

  • New notification option added for when a member shares a post you have shared too (shares may include messages too)

Contact Form App Upgrade: All Versions

  • Set contact form "From" field to your admin email address, while keeping the "Reply-To" field to the contact form user inputted email address
  • You may use this new setting to whitelist your contact form entries / to make sure you receive your emails (depending on your server or email settings, you may want to use this optional setting)

Video Player / Audio Player Upgrade: UWB Full

  • Video Autoplay option
  • Video/Audio Player Download option toggle

Timeline App Upgrade: UWB Full

  • Video player sizing option added

Templates App: All Versions

Create your website even faster and easier - Add pages/configure setups with one click
Full version: All templates
Lite version: Responsive Setup, Header Setup, Footer Setup, Photo Gallery Setup, General templates, Sample Style Templates, Top Menu to Left Menu & vice versa Templates
Essentials+/PromoU/Promo versions: Responsive Setup, Header Setup, Footer Setup, General templates, Sample Style Templates, Top Menu to Left Menu & vice versa Templates
*Sample Style Templates installs multiple sample styles for choosing for the Full/Lite/Essentials+ versions, and updates to one sample style at a time for the PromoU/Promo versions

  • Responsive Setup
  • Header Setup
  • Footer Setup: Text/Social Media icons
  • Photo Gallery Setup
  • Mosaic Grid Photo Collage Setup
  • General Setup: About page, Contact form page, Mailing List page (Full/Lite versions), Terms Of Service page, Privacy Policy page
  • Guestbook Setup
  • Social Setup: Configure Settings in Social Config - Turn on Use Privacy, Online, Fan, Friend, Block, Report, Messaging apps; Header Login boxes, Member Registration page, Edit Profile page, Public Profile page, Inbox page, Sent Box page
  • Social Rewards/Leaderboard Setup
  • Sample Poll Setup
  • Sample Form/Entries Setup
  • E-Commerce Setup: Structure: Header Shopping Cart, View Cart page, Checkout page. Sample Data: Item Display Options page, Item Photo Category, Item Categories, Item Category page, Example Items, Item Review
  • Articles Setup
  • Listings Directory Setup
  • Classifieds & Auction Setup
  • Scrapbooks Setup
  • Photo Uploads Setup
  • Video Uploads Setup
  • Audio Uploads Setup
  • File Uploads Setup
  • Forum Setup
  • Calendar Setup
  • Page Notifications Setup
  • Timeline Setup
  • Sample Style Templates
  • Top Menu to Left Menu & vice versa Templates


Ultimate Web Builder 5.5 - Upgrade for Full Version UPDATED ON DEMO

Social Networking App Upgrade, Email Notifications: Added 10 more custom Email Notification Options

Ad(d)s App Upgrade: Added custom coding options:

-After Comment Added function

-After Sign UP via Facebook function

-After Login via Facebook function


Ultimate Web Builder 5.4 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Photos App Slideshow/Gallery & CSS Code (styling/formatting) Upgrade: UWB Full / Lite

Batch Upload Tool Upgrade: UWB Full / Lite / Essentials / PromoU / Promo

Mailers App Upgrade: UWB Full / Lite

Mail Function Upgrade: UWB Full / Lite / Essentials / PromoU / Promo

Top Page Header, Right Side Contact Section (template header format) Upgrade: UWB Full / Lite / Essentials / PromoU / Promo

Docs App Upgrade: UWB Full / Lite


Ultimate Web Builder 5.3 - Upgrade for UWB Full UPDATED ON DEMO 

Timeline App Upgrade: 

  • Added option to hide/unhide posts

Members App, Search Options Upgrade: 

  • Added option to set member profile fields that are searchable to also have a member search opt-out option
  • You can choose also choose the default search opt-out option for member profile fields
  • Added option to show just friends per the search performed in the Member Search tool

Various Code Updates



Ultimate Web Builder 5.2 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Ad(d)s Upgrade: UWB Full

More options added to add coding

  • After post unliked function
  • After comment liked function

  • After comment unliked function
  • After comment reply notify function

  • After subscribed comment notify function
  • After friend request notify function

*Useful for setting up push notifications in your mobile app (mobile app not included in UltimateWB software)

Photos App Upgrade: UWB Full / Lite / Essentials / PromoU / Promo

Batch photos upload tool upgraded

  • Modify file names directly in tool
  • Modify photo ordering in tool (besides option to change order in photos admin panel)
  • View photos uploaded in file or thumbnail format

Documents App Upgrade: UWB Full / Lite 

Batch documents upload tool upgraded

  • Modify file names directly in tool
  • Modify photo ordering in tool (besides option to change order in photos admin panel)
  • View photos uploaded in file or thumbnail format

Batch Upload Tool Upgrade for Affiliate Ads, Avatars, Mosaic Grid Media (and Photos): UWB Full

  • Modify file names directly in tool
  • Modify photo ordering in tool (besides option to change order in photos admin panel)
  • View photos uploaded in file or thumbnail format

 Various Code Updates: All Versions

Ultimate Web Builder 5.1
 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO 

Ad(d)s HTML Upgrade: UWB Full / Lite / Essentials+

  • Easily add content on each page above the main section (below the top menu), and below the main section (above footer links section)
  • Option to opt out of the top main add/bottom main add for each page

Responsive App Upgrade: All Versions

  • Option to set a div to not display when Responsive App is in action for expanding divs to 100% size for smaller screen sizes (use custom class "expandnodiv")
  • Option to center a div when Responsive App is in action for expanding divs to 100% size for smaller screen sizes (use custom class "expandcenterdiv")

Timeline Upgrade: Full Version

  • Option to display custom ads on timeline page within posts: left/right/top/bottom of posts
  • Display ads for every post in timeline, or every other post, with display max 3 ads/timeline option

Instant Chat Upgrade: Full Version

  • Option to allow members to remove chats with a member from their chat window

Facbook Login Upgrade: Full Version

  • Compatibility with new Facebook API

Various Code Updates: All Versions


Ultimate Web Builder 5.0 - Upgrade for Full Version UPDATED ON DEMO

Member Registration/Profile: 

  • Added 5 more member fields (currently 20 member fields available to use, besides unlimited member forms/fields that can be added to main form)
  • Option to set default value for menu/radio/checkbox member fields

Timeline App, Scrapbooks App:

  • Upgrade for displaying captions with photos


Ultimate Web Builder 4.9 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

SEO Update: All Versions

CSS Styles Update: All Versions

Facebook Social Meta Tags Update: Full Version


Ultimate Web Builder 4.8 - Upgrade for Full Version UPDATED ON DEMO

Page Notifications Upgrade:  Added Custom Page App integration

Built-in Apps, Search Tools Upgrade: Coding updates for easy transition to click back to search results 

Various Code Updates


Ultimate Web Builder 4.7 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

New Feature, Non-Scrolling Top Menu: 

      All Versions:

  • Option to choose when to jump menu to top of page after scrolling down the page (in px)

      UWB Full / Lite / Essentials+:

  • Added option to add sections (via HTML Ad(d)s Manager) before / after menu
  • Added option to change % width of menu content in Non-Scrolling Top Menu

Responsive Menu Option Added: (All)

  • Choose to use menu wrapper stylings on responsive menu button too

Menu Option Added: (UWB Full / Lite / Essentials+)

  • Added option to add sections (via HTML Ad(d)s Manager) before / after menu

E-Commerce Coupons App Upgrade: (Full)

  • Coupons may now be added before or after adding the items
  • "Remove" coupon button added

Various Code Updates

Ultimate Web Builder 4.6
 - Upgrade for All Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Editor Box Upgrade: (All)

  • Iframe options, useful for embedding YouTube videos, enabled/integrated

Video Uploads App: (Full)

  • Option added to embed video title along with video dynamically

Forms App Upgrade: (Full)

  • Option to send form data to select member groups (other options include to select mail groups, admin email, specified email, or no email)
  • Added feature in Members App to provide members the option to turn these email notification on/off

Mailing List App Upgrade: (Full / Lite)

  • Code updates
  • Full version has added feature to email select member groups, or select members in a member group (besides mailing list groups, members, and other groups/settings)

Members App: (Full)

  • Manage Member Groups from Admin Panel even if member groups not activated for members to choose on the registration/edit profile pages.
  • "Inactive" member groups can be added to members from Admin Panel

Various Code Updates

Ultimate Web Builder 4.5 - Upgrade for Full Version UPDATED ON DEMO

Instant Chat Upgrade

Various Code Updates 

Ultimate Web Builder 4.41
 - Upgrade for Full Version UPDATED ON DEMO

E-Commerce Affiliate App Update:

  • Admin Panel Member Edit Page includes new records for the total commission pending (updated automatically after PayPal payment completion with affiliate commission / can be updated manually) and commission paid.

Ultimate Web Builder 4.4
 - Upgrade for Full/Lite Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

User-to-User Instant Messaging (Real-time Chat) App - New Feature: (Full)

  • Option to turn on chat feature, to use besides user-to-user Private Messaging app.
  • If on, Chat bar displays on bottom right of window when member is logged in.
  • Chat bar can be clicked on to expand or retract, and the website remembers the user's choice as they navigate through your website.
  • Chat contacts consists of member's friends, with online/offline indicator, and user photo (if applicable).
  • If member sends an im to someone who is not online, they will get the missed chat messages in their inbox on your website, and also receive any email notifications set on your website.
  • A missed messages count displays in the chat bar next to the member's username when greater than 0.
  • Search box at bottom of chat bar allows users to type search keyword and automatically filter the display of the contact matching the search text.
  • Chat bar styling complements your website's form button stylings. You can customize the online/offline icons from your Admin Panel Styles Manager, as well as add custom css coding.

Mailing List App upgrade: (Full/Lite) Subscription status now applies to mailing list subscription created from member registration

Members App upgrade: (Full) 

  • Option to use States menu / Cities menu from worldwide available database, besides option to use text fields (Country is already menu) - you can use this with the filter/search/advanced search "Set to my location" feature

Listings Directory App / Classifieds App upgrade: (Full)

  • Option to use States menu / Cities menu from worldwide available database, besides option to use text fields (Country is already in menu format)
  • Distance search - set number of miles and/or km options. Can be used as distance away from set country/state/city, or from member's location
  • Path display on top for category / sub directory categories pages (similar to Forums top path display)

Listings Directory App upgrade: (Full)

  • Option to allow additional categories to be associated with a listing
  • Option to charge for additional categories based on (1) Category pricing with option of percentage discount on it, or (2) charge price for each additional category
  • Comments App upgrade for Listings: You can add more commenting/rating questions for listings. Customize the question and the field type - text fields, menu fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.
  • Option to add Alphabet Index on top, to display listings starting with a certain letter. Alphabet is fully customizable.
  • Google Maps feature upgrade

Articles App. Listings App, Classifieds App, Scrapbooks App, Photo Uploads App, Video Uploads App, Audio Uploads App, File Uploads App, Calendar App upgrade: (Full)

  • Option to sort categories in post/search category menus alphabetically by Parent Category, besides just by Category

Forum App Upgrade: (Full)

  • Code updates yielding faster load times, especially for larger forums.
  • Added Forum Styling options to Styles Manager, for 2nd Level Sub Forums
  • Option to display/not display 1st level Sub Forums on same page, besides 2nd level Sub Forums - good for organization and faster loading for larger forums

Photo Uploads App Upgrade: (Full)

  • Option to display user uploaded photos as category image, besides admin uploaded category image.

Photos App Upgrade: Integration with Articles, Listings, Classifieds, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Calendar Events (Full)

  • Option to display photo gallery/slideshow with user-uploaded photos in select apps: Random, Recently Viewed, Newest, Most Viewed, Most Liked, Highest Rated, Most Commented On

Classifieds App Upgrade - New Auctions Feature (Beta) (Full)

  • Choose which Classifieds categories include an auction option - either increasing bids for when the poster is selling an item, or decreasing bids for when the poster wants a quote for a service, for example.
  • Option to charge extra for posting Classified type Auction.
  • Option to require credits in the user's account when they are bidding with the user-to-user payment processing type "Credits".
  • Option to offer "Buy Now" button for posters, so that they can choose a price where the auction item becomes sold automatically.
  • Option to use auto bidding, where users can choose a max bid when placing a bid, so that the system can bid automatically for them if their bid gets beat.
  • Set the bid increments, or allow the poster to set it.
  • Set the bid days for an auction, or allow the poster to set it.
  • Choose to use a preview period, set the preview days, or allow the poster to set it.
  • Customize Bid Start Date Format. Bid Close Date Format, Bid Date Format.
  • Extend active auction by a set number of minutes if a bid is made within a set number of minutes before an auction closes.
  • Choose to allow bidders to cancel bid, posters to cancel auction.
  • Include Classifieds/Auction Sort in the Search Tool, Advanced Search Tool, and/or the Filter Menu.

Social Login: Facebook Upgrade (Full) - Upgrade for latest Facebook Login updates

Various Code Updates (Full/Lite)

Ultimate Web Builder 4.3 - Upgrade for all Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

New Add(s): (Full) Easily add your own custom coding to

  • After email notification function
  • After fan notification function
  • After friend notification function
  • After post shares notification function
  • After post liked function

Uses include for adding push notifications for your smartphone app (please note smartphone apps are not built-in as part of UltimateWB software).

Email notifications, upgrade: (Full) Added user email notification option for when their page/post is shared.

Page/Post Likes & Shares App, New feature added: (Full) Choose where the original author of the page/post may like/unlike or share the page/post too.

Timeline App, New features added for Timeline and Member Profile Timeline posts: (Full)

  • Option to add the report button to each post (rather than just on each inidividual post page)
  • Option to add a "go" button to each post
  • Search feature, allow your users to search Timeline posts by keywords, for post title/content and share content.

Rewards App, upgrade: (Full) Option to set different reward amounts for post like/unlike and comment like/unlike.

Responsive App update for compatibility with iPhone/iPad (All Versions)

Various Code Updates


Ultimate Web Builder 4.2 - Upgrade for all Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Update on Multi-column sub menus/responsive coding (All Versions)

Facebook Social Login App Upgrade (Full)

Various Code Updates (All Versions)

Ultimate Web Builder 4.1 - Upgrade for all Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

Mailing List App Upgrade (Full/Lite)

  • Coding updates for large mailing lists
  • Option to check what emails got sent/got error sending for each mailer
  • Option to schedule a mailer to get sent via Automatic Scripts

Contact Form Upgrade (All Versions)

  • Auto reply option - send email automatically to users after they email you via your website contact form (UltimateWB Full already has this feature in the Forms Builder app, and now also in the Contact Form app)

WordPress Blog Integration Upgrade for Ad(d)s

Various Code Updates (All Versions)

Ultimate Web Builder 4.0 - Upgrade for all Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

UltimateWB Promo / Promo Unlimited Software Versions - Compare here

Audio Uploads App (Full)

  • Allow members/visitors to post audios and optionally create playlists.
  • Batch uploading feature available to allow users to upload multiple audios at once to separate pages or as an "audio block" on the same page.
  • Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/audios, and set limits on number of free listings and playlists.
  • Allow users to sell an item within their audio page, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale.
  • Organize audio uploads into types, categories, and sub categories.
  • Customize the audio upload fields for each listing type.
  • Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System
  • Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts
  • User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal
  • Special options: Featured Audio Uploads, Highlight, Bold
  • Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.
  • Easily integrate Top Rated Audios page / Most Viewed Audios page into your website.
  • Manage Audio Uploads via Admin Panel
  • Audio Uploads Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not)
  • Members can find video uploads from each category index or the Audio Uploads Search / Advanced Search Tools.
  • Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.

Rewards App (Full)

  • Reward members for posting, viewing, commenting, liking, and sharing posts within your website, integrated in the Articles, Listings, Classifieds, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, Audio Uploads, File Uploads, Calendar Events, and Forum apps
  • Choose whether reward type is points or credits, customizable for each app/action
  • Configure number of points or credits per action
  • Choose whether to display member points on website with member info
  • Member Points Leaderboard page - display list of members with the most points; choose how many to display

HTML Ad(d)s App (Full / Lite / Essentials+)

  • Create page sections to integrate in one or more pages of your website easily, by copying/pasting the generated Placeholder Text to where you want it to display
  • Use when you want to create a page section to display on multiple pages
  • Uses Content Editor Box like on the add/edit pages of admin panel

Various Code Updates (Full / Lite / Essentials+)

Ultimate Web Builder 3.9
 - Upgrade for all 3 Versions UPDATED ON DEMO

RSS Feed Generator App (Full)

  • Create, configure, customize RSS feed (xml) for your website
  • Choose which kind of posts to include in the RSS feed, add your custom website logo to your feed, add a custom copyright, and customize other settings, including how far back to include posts from.
  • Choose to either run the feed generator manually, or set up a cron job (automatic script) from your web hosting control panel (no coding required).
  • RSS feeds are another way for your web audience to connect to/read your content.
  • You can use your RSS feed page url (i.e. your-website.com/feed.xml) to share your website content and posts automatically to social networking websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. using one of the online tools available on the web.  It’s a very useful tool to increase your social reach and web traffic!
  • Stylesheet included in case you want your RSS feed to be accessible/user friendly online via a user's internet browser.

HTML Feed Generator App (Full)

  • Works with the RSS Feed Generator App to create an html feed that can be viewed online without an rss feed reader, and can also be used in html emails
  • Choose to include posts from "x" days ago

HTML Feed Email App (Full)

  • Configure to automatically send a mailer with your HTML Feed Content to all subscribers or select mailing list group(s)
  • Choose how often to run/send the emails
  • Customize the email content and subject (including email footer as customized within the Social Networking app)

Tag Cloud Feature (Full)

  • Option to customize and embed tag cloud for displaying most popularly used tags in the Scrapbooks App, Photo Uploads App, Video Uploads App, and File Uploads App (similar to the Tag Cloud feature in the built-in Forum App)

Related Articles Feature (Articles App) (Full)

  • Choose to have related articles section to automatically display below article content, or choose custom location and copy/paste Placeholder Text to where you want it to display.
  • Choose # of Articles to display, order by random or oldest/newest, choose whether to display related articles in other article categories or just current article category, and choose whether to display each related article rating and views in the related articles display.

Social Meta Tags App for Facebook (Full) - Use to automatically include Facebook meta tags on pages for better Facebook post display/traffic when using Facebook like, share/posting.

  • Option to add Facebook meta tags to your pages, articles, listings, classifieds, scrapbooks, photo uploads, video uploads, file uploads, calendar events, forum topics, custom pages, member public profile pages
  • Tags include: image (og:image), url (og:url), title (og:title), description (og:description), type (og:type), Facebook App ID (fb:app_id), and Facebook admins (fb:admins) - choose which ones you would like to include in your pages

Facebook Login App Upgrade - Upgrade to latest Facebook API

Responsive App Updates (only necessary on Full version, for built-in apps)

Members App Updates (Full) - Added customizability option for "members" path.  Also now you can add members to member groups even though you are not using the member groups option within the registration/profile form itself.  This is useful for adding members to groups to have access to certain page(s) on your website.

Mailing List App Upgrade (Full / Lite)

  • Optional setting to require users to confirm email to activate mailing list subscription
  • Option to set users to "Re-Confirm" email status, to require that they re-confirm their mailing list subscription email address
  • Option to manually activate subscription requests (Admin Approval setting)
  • Customize email confirmation email / re-confirmation email (Full version customization of sending email, from name, and email footer added to Lite version too in this upgrade)
  • Admin List Subscribers page now searchable by email and status

Cron Jobs (Automatic Scripts) Updates (Full / Lite) - Easier method implemented for running the automatic scripts, as documented here

Various Code Updates (Full / Lite / Essentials+)

Ultimate Web Builder 3.8 - Full Version Upgrade UPDATED ON DEMO
(UWB Lite/Essentials latest upgrade is 3.7)

Friends App

  • Allow members to send/approve friend requests and add friends, besides fans.
  • Members may optionally organize friends in groups.

Privacy App Upgrade

  • Additional options to share/don't share posts with select friends/friend groups.

Timeline App Upgrade

  • Show timeline for posts by member's friends
  • Option to include Social Share buttons - Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google +1, WhatsApp (where applicable) - directly on Timeline, besides on the post's respective page

Various Code Updates

Ultimate Web Builder 3.7 - Upgrade for all 3 Versions - UPDATED ON DEMO

Classifieds App

  • Use of Category Types can now be optional.
  • Upload videos feature added.

Listings App Upgrade

  • Use of Category Types can now be optional.

Scrapbooks Upgrade

  • Use of Categories can now be optional.
  • Use of Category Types can now be optional.
  • Options added for Scrapbooks URL based on whether or not using categories.
  • Title / Description fields can now be optional.

Calendar App Upgrade

  • Categories Optional - Updated.
  • Category Types Optional - Updated.
  • Options added for Event URL based on whether or not using categories.
  • Allow users to create Event Lists (user-created event categories)
  • Upload videos feature added.

(FYI: Photo Uploads App, Video Uploads App, and File Uploads App already have the features for optional categories and types.) 

Photo Uploads App / Video Uploads App / File Uploads App Upgrade

  • Title / Description fields can now be optional.

Privacy Settings Added For Individual Apps/Uploads

  • Option to allow Private Status setting for user uploads in Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Calendar Events, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, and File Uploads Apps.

Page/Upload Likes / Unlikes App

  • Option to use Likes / Unlikes (optional) not just for comments, but for the user uploads themselves - besides the 5-Star (or other image you customize) Rating feature already available.
  • Customize options for display of Like / Unlike icons / text.
  • Allow users and/or members to like/unlike.
  • Option to show who has likes/unliked post.

Page/Upload Shares App

  • Allow users and/or members to share user uploads in Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Calendar Events, Forums (on Timeline), Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, and File Uploads Apps.
  • Option to allow for added message with share and customize the textbox options/features.
  • Shares are displayed on Timeline (for all users, members, or fanned members) / Timeline Member Profile

Website Notifications

  • Besides email notifications, now there is an option to provide members with activity alerts directly on your website
  • Choose to display all notification alerts in one section with 1 icon/button, or organize the alerts in up to 3 different types: (1) New Fans, (2) New Comments/Replies, and (3) New Likes/Shares/New Topic Comments/RSVPs for Calendar Events.
  • Choose which apps to include notifications for: Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, File Uploads, Calendar Events, and Forum Apps. 
  • Customize icons, phrases, and display.
  • Notifications load on page as user scrolls down the page, in increments per value you set.

Timeline App

  • Include posts / activity by all users, members, or fanned.  Option to also create a Timeline of just a member's posts/activity.
  • Choose which apps to include posts from / what types: Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, File Uploads, Calendar Events (Posted, Marked Attending, by event date or post date), and Forum Apps. 
  • Choose which apps to include posts shared, commented on, and liked from: Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, File Uploads, Calendar Events Posted, and Forum Posts.
  • Choose which Timeline posts to include the share button, comment button, and like button on.
  • Customize icons, phrases, and display.
  • Option to include Privacy and Manage buttons on Timeline posts for easy management.
  • Posts load on page as user scrolls down the page, in increments per value you set.

phpBB Third Pary Forum app removed - With the Custom Forum App released in UltimateWB Full 3.5, the phpBB third party forum app has been completely removed from UltimateWB Full.  Enjoy the built-in UltimateWB Forum app, working with the other built-in apps!  The CMS Pages now includes an "extra-app" folder in lieu of the phpbb Forum folder, which you may use to integrate a third party software if you would like.

Code Updates For SSL (Upgrade for all 3 Versions)

Various Code Updates (Upgrade for all 3 Versions)


Ultimate Web Builder 3.6 - Full Version Upgrade - UPDATED ON DEMO
(UWB Lite/Essentials latest upgrade is 3.5)

Photo Uploads App, with built-in Meme Generator Tool

  • Allow members/visitors to post photos and optionally create albums.
  • Batch uploading feature available to allow users to upload multiple photos at once to separate pages or as a "photo block" on the same page.
  • "Meme Generator" App: Allow members to add text to their posted photos, with customized font size/color and positions.
  • Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/photos, and set limits on number of free listings and albums.
  • Allow users to sell an item within their photo page, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale.
  • Organize photo uploads into types, categories, and sub categories.
  • Customize the photo upload fields for each listing type.
  • Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System
  • Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts
  • User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal
  • Special options: Featured Photo Uploads, Highlight, Bold
  • Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.
  • Easily integrate Top Rated Photos page / Most Viewed Photos page into your website.
  • Manage Photo Uploads via Admin Panel
  • Photo Uploads Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not)
  • Members can find photo uploads from each category index or the Photo Uploads Search / Advanced Search Tools.
  • Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.

Video Uploads App

  • Allow members/visitors to post videos and optionally create playlists.
  • Batch uploading feature available to allow users to upload multiple videos at once to separate pages or as a "video block" on the same page.
  • Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/videos, and set limits on number of free listings and playlists.
  • Allow users to sell an item within their video page, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale.
  • Organize video uploads into types, categories, and sub categories.
  • Customize the video upload fields for each listing type.
  • Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System
  • Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts
  • User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal
  • Special options: Featured Video Uploads, Highlight, Bold
  • Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.
  • Easily integrate Top Rated Videos page / Most Viewed Videos page into your website.
  • Manage Video Uploads via Admin Panel
  • Video Uploads Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not)
  • Members can find video uploads from each category index or the Video Uploads Search / Advanced Search Tools.
  • Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.

File Uploads App

  • Allow members/visitors to post files for download and optionally create series.
  • Batch uploading feature available to allow users to upload multiple files at once to separate pages or as a "file block" on the same page.
  • Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/videos, and set limits on number of free listings and series.
  • Allow users to sell an item within their file page, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale.
  • Organize file uploads into types, categories, and sub categories.
  • Customize the file upload fields for each listing type.
  • Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System
  • Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts
  • User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal
  • Special options: Featured File Uploads, Highlight, Bold
  • Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.
  • Easily integrate Top Rated Files page / Most Viewed Files page into your website.
  • Manage File Uploads via Admin Panel
  • File Uploads Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not)
  • Members can find file uploads from each category index or the File Uploads Search / Advanced Search Tools.
  • Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.

Listings Directory App Google Maps Integration

  • Choose to integrate Google Maps with your Listings
  • Option to have click option to get directions to Listing Location
  • Customize Google Map location marker / marker on mouseover
  • Customize Google Map sizing and position on Listing page
  • Google Map zooming feature

Various Code Updates


Ultimate Web Builder 3.5 - UPDATED ON DEMO

Listings Directory App

  • Allow members/visitors to post their company listing
  • Allow free listings, option to set a price for posting listings, and set limits on number of free listings.
  • Allow users to sell an item within their listing, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale
  • Organize listings into types, categories, and sub categories
  • Customize the listing fields for each listing type.
  • Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System
  • Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts
  • User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal
  • Special options: Featured Listings, Highlight, Bold
  • Option to allow posting photos / videos (including from YouTube), with option to add a fee to it.
  • Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.
  • Manage Listings via Admin Panel
  • Listing Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not)
  • Members can find listings from each category index or the Listings Search / Advanced Search Tools.
  • Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.

Scrapbooks App

  • Allow members/visitors to post articles, photos, and videos (including from YouTube) - like a scrapbook!
  • Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/photos/videos, and set limits on number of free listings.
  • Allow users to sell an item within their scrapbook, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale
  • Organize scrapbooks into types, categories, and sub categories
  • Customize the scrapbook fields for each listing type.
  • Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System
  • Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts
  • User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal
  • Special options: Featured Scrapbooks, Highlight, Bold
  • Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.
  • Manage Scrapbooks via Admin Panel
  • Scrapbooks Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not)
  • Members can find scrapbooks from each category index or the Scrapbooks Search / Advanced Search Tools.
  • Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.

Expanded Articles App

  • Added Photos / Videos Uploading Features (besides the Article Featured Image), including from YouTube.
  • Added Grid Style Formatting option
  • Added more sorting options

Custom Forum App

  • This is a replacement for the integrated phpbb forum app, which is planned to be removed in the next version (please provide your feedback on this!).  This integrates with the UWB users management system/apps like the other UWB social networking apps. So everything is connected together!
  • Create forum categories, sub categories.
  • Set permission settings to post, view, create polls, vote on polls, post/download files.
  • Choose to allow both members/visitors to post.
  • Control spam by requiring a set number of approved posts before automatically approving posts, for members and visitors.
  • Choose post activation process.
  • Allow users to create polls with option to allow users to choose multiple answers.  Configure polling, voting, and viewing votes process and settings.
  • Allow users to upload files; set allowed types and limits on file sizes
  • Option for topic rating and posts likes/unlikes
  • Subscribe to Topics, Members / by email options
  • Member signatures
  • Member ranks
  • Quick Search / Advanced Search tool options
  • Related Topics Section
  • Most Popular Tags
  • Social Share Options: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, and Google +1
  • Who's Online / Online Statistics / Viewing Forum & Topic Counts
  • Today's Posts, New Posts, Subscribed Topics, Most Viewed Topics, Most Popular Posts, Most Replied to Topics, Highest Rated Topics

Documents App Update

  • Added Placeholder Text option for easy embedding/updating of documents/links in pages

Styling: Added Image Background Size Options

  • Auto, Length, Percentage, Cover, Contain, Inherit (All UWB Versions!)

CMS: Added option to choose Page Link Target

  • Default, Same Window/Tab, New Window/Tab (All UWB Versions!)

Bulk Page Category Creator Tool

  • Use this form to create multiple categories at once for Articles, Listings, Classifieds, Scrapbooks, Calendar, or Forum!
  • Create up to 20 categories at one time
  • Customize the Label, Title, Keywords, Description, and URL for each page category, and choose another page category to populate other fields

Various Code Updates, including Facebook Connect API upgrade


Ultimate Web Builder 3.4 UPDATED ON DEMO

HTML5 Upgrade

  • Upgraded pages to HTML5

Responsive App

  • Option to turn on/off (default is off)
  • Turn On to Automatically reformat website based on window size for best viewing experience
  • Choose window width to automatically change set widths to auto widths, expand section widths to 100%, and turn the menu bar/column into a menu button
  • Choose at which window width the top/footer non-scrolling rows, if applicable, merge with the rest of the page (i.e. scroll)
  • Automatically Increase page font size at certain window widths - you set the window size/font size percentage increase
  • Includes suggested values for easy configuration!

Page Content Editor Upgrade (video tutorial on this coming soon!)

  • Allow easy formatting of content sections using divs, without any coding experience
  • Easily round all corners, the top corners, or the bottom corners, of content sections, with varying degrees
  • Easily add a background color, padding, margins, font color, or set width to a specific content section within the Page Content Editor Box itself - CSS/CSS3 coding all done for you
  • Set certain sections within the Page Content Editor Box to expand to 100% when the Responsive App expand widths window value is reached, with one click of a button

Wordpress Blog Integration Upgrade

  • Integrates with the Responsive App
  • Upgraded styling integration

Members App Upgrade

  • Added option to display Members Login link which is clickable to show login form in same area without page refresh
  • Code added to reduce spam to registration form


Ultimate Web Builder 3.3  - UPDATED ON DEMO

Calendar Events App:

  • Month, Daily, and Yearly Calendar Views
  • Stylize Calendars from Admin Panel
  • Allow other people to post events on your website too
  • Option to post "repeat" events with a Start Date, Close Date, and repeat type: daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly; plus set a repeat frequency (i.e. every other day, etc.)
  • Option to set a price for event posting, and a percentage transaction fee when the user makes an event ticket sale
  • Organize events into types, categories, and sub categories
  • Customize the event fields for each event type.
  • Allow posters to sell downloadable flyer/ticket, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System (same flyer/ticket on each sale)
  • Allow option for event to use Attending button, where members and or visitors can choose if they will attend, might attend, or not attend
  • Option to connect Buy tickets button to Attending feature
  • Option to display attending stats on event
  • Buy tickets button / Attending button are automaically removed from events after close date
  • Include Upcoming Events notification options for members, for events attending and/or events they might attend, for the next day and/or upcoming week
  • Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts
  • User to user transactions can be carried out via the new Credits System, or via PayPal
  • Special options: Featured Events, Highlight, Bold
  • Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, upcoming events, etc.
  • Manage Events via Admin Panel
  • Calendar Events Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not)
  • Members can find events from Calendars, each category index, or the Events Search / Advanced Search Tools.

Mosaic Grid App:

  • Upload photos and create html boxes (no coding required!), and configure and create a mosaic grid, i.e. photo/text collage
  • Set grid width, height, animation option, choose whether grid elements are draggable, choose a default size for grid elements, choose random sizing, random background colors
  • Batch Upload option for uploading grid media images
  • Photos can be linked to enlarged overlay pop-up or to a specified page

Site Maintenance App:

  • Easily set your website to "Site Maintenance" Mode - choose which pages are included in redirecting users to your Site Mainteance page when it is On
  • Choose which admins and/or ip addresses still get access to all the pages during Site Maintenance

Comments App Upgrade:

  • Added options to allow more than just plain text in Add Comment boxes - choose which options to use in the comment text editor box

Various Code Updates


Ultimate Web Builder 3.2  - UPDATED ON DEMO

Members/Social Networking App:

  • Added option to allow members to login with Email Address/Password combo, or Email Address or Username/Password combo, besides with Username/Password combo
  • Added option to choose member display fields to replace the username display, i.e. for when a member posts a comment, posts an article, posts a classified ad, or posts an e-commerce item review.

Mail App:

  • Updated compatibility for use with Google Chrome

Articles App:

  • Added sorting options for Articles Categories List display


Ultimate Web Builder 3.1  - UPDATED ON DEMO

Forms & Surveys App:

  • Build unlimited custom forms and surveys, with unlimited fields
  • Choose field type
  • Choose what fields are required/optional
  • Create answer-dependent fields (where if you choose a, you get question 2, choose b, you get question 3, etc.)
  • Multi-page forms/surveys
  • Set permissions on who can submit the forms and who can view the data, and how many times members and/or visitors may submit a form/survey per period of time - great for contests!
  • Store submissions automatically in database, and/or email to you, an admin, or to mailing list groups
  • Optionally display select forms/data on the Edit Profile & Public Profile pages.
  • Analyze Data on Admin Panel with bar graphs depicting percentage of responses for each choice

Polls App:

  • Create unlimited polls, will unlimited fields
  • Choose field type
  • Choose what fields are required/optional
  • Set limits on how many times a user may vote, per period of time and/or in total, and who can vote and who can view poll results.
  • Choose when visitors may view poll results (i.e. require voting first)
  • Customize the coloring of the bars showing the voting results
  • Choose to display who voted what, or just display the percentages with the bars visual display
  • Easily integrate social share buttons automatically

Top / Footer Non-Scrolling Rows

  • Like Facebook / Twitter non-scrolling top row - Easily create a top and/or Footer non-scrolling row for your webpages
  • Activate or inactivate for certain webpages, and you can even customize each top/footer row, or use the same one for all your webpages
  • Customize the look of it and the content
  • Choose to display menu there, social media share buttons, or your login boxes

Responsive & Flowing Styles Manager Design Updates:

  • Get even more flexiblity with your website design, without any coding required!
  • For each page element – top bar, header, top content, center content, photo content, bottom content, footer, footer bar, etc. – you can choose a percentage width, background color, background image, content width… 
  • Your pages, including photo gallery/slideshow pictures, can easily expand to the full length of a user’s screen if you want – the software automatically resizes and displays the page/photo per the user’s screen size.  Now that’s responsive!

Classifieds App:

  • Allow other people to sell stuff on your website too, or just post ads if you want
  • Like eBay, you can even set a price for the ads, and a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale
  • Organize ads into types, categories, and sub categories
  • Customize the ad fields for each ad type.
  • Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System
  • Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts
  • User to user transactions can be carried out via the new Credits System, or via PayPal
  • Special options: Featured Ads, Highlight, Bold
  • Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.
  • Manage Classifieds via Admin Panel
  • Classified Ad Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not)
  • Members can find classifieds from each category index or the Classifeds Search / Advanced Search Tools.

Credits App:

  • Set an optional default number of credits each member starts out with, or require members to buy credits
  • Easy form for automatic processing of credits purchases, via paypal
  • Option to require only whole number for Credits
  • Optional second account, to user for Savings/Loan, for example
  • Members may transfer credits from their account to their Savings/Loan account, if used
  • Members can track their transactions from their account
  • Transactions Admin Panel

Upgrade to PayPal Automatic Processing script, per PayPal's upgrade to IPN.

Member Download Files Access Update: Added ability to give member access to download individual files uploaded for this purpose, rather than just item downloads. Like e-commerce item download files, these files are securely stored in the database.

Member Public Profile Page Update: Now when a logged in member clicks on the Public Profile page and a userid is not identified, their own public profile page is displayed, rather than getting a "User Not Found" message in this case.

More Menu Positioning Options Added: Added "Custom Horizontal" and "Custom Vertical" options, where you copy/paste the Menu Placeholder Text to exactly where you want it. For example, you can add your menu to the non-scroller top row of your website.

Increased Software-Server Compatibility and Install Ease of Use

Ultimate Web Builder 3

Articles App:

  • Post articles and organize in categories
  • Allow members and/or visitors to post articles
  • Choose approval process
  • Featured Image, tags, search tool, content min/max limits, references/related links, comments/ratings
  • Customize content editor box
  • Include articles feed in mailers
  • Social plugins integration
  • Include articles in sitemap generator

Pretty URLs:

  • www.yourdomain.com/about instead of www.yourdomain.com/about.php or about.html or about.asp...but they all work!

  • Members - member public profile pages are accessible via www.yourdomain.com/members/username

  • Articles - articles are accessible via www.yourdomain.com/articlecategory/articletitle

Members App New Features:

  • Allow members to upload photos to their public profile page, besides their profile picture.  Configure the layout of the photos as a photo gallery/slideshow or thumbnails layout by creating/customizing a photo category for the public profile page
  • Member Search Tool - configure which member fields are searchable.  Search by member age range too.

Multi Languages/Configs:

  • Define multiple languages and configurations.
  • Users can switch between languages with the languages menu (customizable)
  • Choose which pages belong to which languages (with an "All" option too), and those are the page links that get displayed on the menu/footer links.
  • When user switches languages, they are redirected to that page's corresponding page, i.e. index would go to index_fra, for example, when switching from the default language to French.
  • Choose language icons (used for languages menu) and abbreviations (used for redirecting pages when switching languages)

E-Commerce - Customer Purchase Automatic Confirmation

  • Configure and customize email to be sent to customers automatically, confirming receipt of their order

Facebook Social Login Upgrade

  • Upgrade to the latest Facebook Connect code

Easy Upgrade WordPress Blog/Keep Integration

  • Use the built-in WordPress upgrade tool now without worrying about breaking the UltimateWB integration - just go to your Admin Panel > Edit Page (Blog), and click on the "Refresh Blog Integration" link

Sync Up:

  • In case you were editing something directly from the database, this updates the social networking counts, i.e. member posted articles, comments/ratings, category articles count, etc. 

User Friendly Modifications / PHP Upgrade

  • The Admin Panel Configure Site page has been organized into Basic Setup, Social Networking, E-Commerce sections.
  • Added more Admin Panel color coding, more sort/search options.
  • Code re-optimized for php upgrade

Ultimate Web Builder 2.9  - UPDATED ON DEMO / HOSTED ACCOUNTS

Social Login App Added - Facebook Login & Google Login:

  • Easily add Facebook Login button, integrate Facebook Login automatically with website members database
  • Easily add Google Login button, integrate Google Login automatically with website members database
  • Map Facebook Account / Google Account fields to website member fields, i.e. name, gender, photo, etc.
  • Customize & send registration email automatically for members registering on your website with Facebook or Google

Page Content Options Added:

  • You can now create multiple headers, footers, side right columns, and side left columns
  • Specify whether it is the default one to use for pages, or set it as the section content to use for a certain page

Member Username Options Added:

  • Specify which characters are not allowed in Usernames, including special characyers, and spaces

Comments App Options Added:

  • Choose to include Email Address field and Website field in the Add Comment/Reply form if user is not logged in (and you allow posting comments when not logged in). Choose to require the fields, or set as optional.

Code Ad(d)s Added - now you can add your custom code to:

  • After connection file code
  • Before page html start code
  • In head section, right before end head tag
  • Right after start body tag
  • Right before end body tag
  • Outside of end body tag, right before end html tag

Ultimate Web Builder 2.8  - UPDATED ON DEMO / HOSTED ACCOUNTS

Admins (Moderators) App Added:

  • Create Admins and set access permissions, i.e. which sections of the Admin Panel the Admin has access to
  • Mail App upgraded to easily email Admin(s)

Upload Internet Browser Icon Tool Added:

  • Upload your icon to display on the internet browser, instead of the default

E-commerce App Upgraded:

  • Option added to use selection menu with varying prices for PayPal subscription payments too (already offered for buy/add to cart items)

Affiliates App Upgraded:

  • Choose a custom affiliate commission rate on a per member basis if you want to, or use the sitewide affiliate commission rate

Photos App Upgraded:

  • Added option to just display category photo thumbnails, and no slideshow.  Option to link the thumbnails to the larger image, or a link, or no linking

WordPress blog updated to latest version

Ultimate Web Builder 2.7  - UPDATED ON DEMO / HOSTED ACCOUNTS

Sitemap Tool Added:

  • Select sitemap file name
  • Choose what gets included in the sitemap: webpages, item pages, member pages, custom pages, blog posts, and forum posts
  • Choose whether to include modified date on sitemap
  • Automatically run sitemap generator tool each day and/or run it manually from your Admin Panel

Mail App: Added functionality to easily email all (or a select number of) members, active members, inactive members, members with off status, banned members, and customers - in addition to mailing list subscribers.  You can also now filter mailing list subscribers without a mail group, to easily email these subscribers.

You can also now include a customized blogs feed and forums feed in your email!  Same customization options as embedding in your webpage, but now in your html mailer!

Social Networking App: Added report button copy/paste option for Custom Pages too

Embed Blogs Feed / Forums Feed on your webpages: Added option to include blog/forum post content in the embed feed - choose to include all post content, or the number of characters to include - besides the blog/forum title and link.

Admin Panel Formatting Updates: Include color coding of Active / Inactive status for easy managing, fornatting.

Admin Panel List Items Page: Added function to batch allow reviews, not allow reviews, make affiliate commission applicable or no affiliate commission applicable for E-commerce Items.

WordPress blog updated to latest version

Ultimate Web Builder 2.6  - UPDATED ON DEMO / HOSTED ACCOUNTS

Social Network App Addition & Members App Expansion:

1) Registration Form / Edit Profile Form Features:
a) Choose which fields to include in the initial registration form, and which fields to just include in the edit profile form.
b) Easily add a countries menu, or a date field with month/day/year menus.
c) Choose how to denote required form fields (you already can specify which fields are required in the software)
d) Choose whether to allow Username changes or not
e) Specify unallowed Usernames, set username minimum and maximum lengths
f) Specify password minimum and maximum lengths
g) Option to ban certain IP Addresses.
h) Option to include "/home/ultimate/public_html/Remember Me" option in login form.
i) Require Email confirmation when member requests email change on Edit Profile form
j) Use member avatars / profile pictures.  Upload avatars that members can choose from; members can also upload their own avatar/profile picture.
k) Privacy Options – Set which member profile form fields have privacy options, and what is the default privacy setting.

2) Member Public Profile Page
a) Use the default public profile page, or customize your own formatting using provided Placeholder Text for each field, i.e. profile picture, username, etc., and display member’s fans, and who member has fanned.
b) Members can Fan, Email, Block, Report member on the member public profile page if you have turned on these features
c) Choose to also display member Join Date, Login Date, and if they’re online (includes optional privacy setting too).
d) Choose to have a Comments area on each member page too.

3) Fans Feature
a) Members can be a Fan of each other.
b) Display member fans / who member has fanned on Public Profile Page
c) Provide option for member to be emailed when they get a new fan.

4) Email/Private Messaging Feature
a) Members can email/private message each other.  Easily set-up member’s inbox page and sent box. Inbox includes custom folders.
b) Members can reply to messages. and forward messages, star messages, mark messages as unread/read, create folders, move messages to different folders, and report messages/block users from the Inbox/Sent Box Pages
c) Display new messages icon when logged in member has new unread messages
d) Provide option for member to be emailed when they get a new private message.

5) Email Notifications
a) Set up email notification options for when member gets a new fan, or receives a new private message, gets a reply to a comment they posted, or there's a new comment to a topic they are subscribed to.

6) Timezone / Date Formatting
a) Choose to allow members to select their timezone and when logged in the display times will be according to their selected timezone
b) You can choose different date format options, including displaying dates in a duration format, i.e. user logged in 30 minutes ago.
c) Manage timezones, which timezones to use, and date order/date language.

7) Page Commenting/Rating Feature, Like/Unlike of Comments
a) Activate a Comments section on any of your webpages, where members, or optionally website visitors, can post comments, and also ratings.  You can also include a comments section on each member page, or any custom page identifier on a single page (i.e. www.you-website.com/page.php?cp=...)
b) Use page rating feature to allow rating of page content.
c) Use Subject field or not.  Choose to use Comments and/or Ratings.  Option to close comments posting.
d) Choose how comments/ratings are reviewed/posted: require admin approval, or automatically post comments by members.
e) Choose to use captcha for spam control also, for all comment postings, or just by visitors, or not all.
f) Allow replies to comments, whereby comments are displayed and loaded under the respective comment.  Choose to indent the replies.
g) Use Likes/Unlike Feature so members and optionally visitors can like/unlike comments.
h) Sort menu options for comments, including default sort options.
i) Members/visitors may report comments if you are using reporting feature.

8) Admin Management, Reporting Feature
a) Manage comments, monitor member messages from Admin Panel
b) Set value for comments to automarically be inactivated, or member to be banned, if reported a number of times.  Set calculation weight value of report of a member vs a visitor.  Members my be notified accordingly if you are using the option and the member has set the notification on.

Admin Panel User Friendly Updates

Addition of Dashboard on Admin Panel Login - view your Website Activity Statistics easily on one page.
Includes activity info for previous 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 3 months, year, and total.  Info on new members, inactive members, subscribers, comments, reports, payments, and more, including admin activity, i.e. pages, photos, items added.

WordPress blog updated to latest version

Ultimate Web Builder 2.5  - UPDATED ON DEMO / HOSTED ACCOUNTS

Advanced  Styles Upgrade

  • Customize Top Level Menu / Sub Level Drop Down Menu Arrows easily - choose default images, or upload custom images, select sizing, or choose to use image original sizing
  • Choose to display Top Level Menu / Sub Level Drop Down Menu arrows, or not
  • Add outer borders to the Sub Level Drop Down Menu easily
  • Choose Drop Down Menu animation style - Swipe, Slide, and/or Fade - and animation duration time
  • Choose Drop Down Menu Mouseout Hide Delay time
  • Menu / Drop Down Menu Compatibility on ipad and smart phones upgraded

Mailing List App Upgrade

  • Switch Mailing List Groups & use Quick Mailing List Check List without page load on compose/edit mailer
  • Choose to send mailer with another email address you have, or use the default email you have entered in your Admin Panel

E-Commerce App Upgrade

  • Profile section for Downloads / Member Groups Access displayed in two sections on Profile Page

Ultimate Web Builder 2.4  - UPDATED ON DEMO / HOSTED ACCOUNTS

E-Commerce App Upgrade

    • 3 Ecommerce Types to choose from:
      • Paypal Shopping Cart
      • Website Shopping Cart with PayPal Checkout
      • Website Shopping Cart/Checkout (order gets emailed to you for processing)


  • Customer Login
    • Choose to require customer login to shop, or to checkout
  • Buttons
    • Use default shopping cart buttons or customize with your own button images
  • Items Management
    • Categorize items into categories
    • Copy/paste the Placeholder Text for a category on a Page where you want it
    • Customize the display of items on the category page, including click to item's individual page and photo zoom
    • Choose to just copy/paste the Placeholder Text for an individual item on a Page where you want it
    • Customize the display of individual items on your website
    • Each item has its own item page dynamically created too
    • Choose photo galleries/slideshows consisting of item photos to link to photo's associated item pages
  • Item Pages
    • Automatically and dynamically create individual item pages - you choose the URL - SEO optimized too!
    • Choose the formatting for each category of items
    • Choose the photo/slideshow/gallery configurations of the Item's picture(s) - includes photo zoom
  • "Related Items" Feed / "People who purchased this also purchased..." Feed
    • Easily incorporate "Related Items" and "People who purchased this also purchased..." feeds on your Item Pages with one click! Choose the location & customize.
  • Customize & Format the Shopping Cart Display, View Cart, and Check Out pages!
  • Configure Shpping Options & Tax Locations/Rates directly from your Admin Panel
    • Shipping/tax get applied only if applicable (configurable on your Admin Panel)
    • Alternatively choose to handle it on the PayPal Checkout instead, based on your configurations on your website Admin Panel and on your PayPal Account
  • Give access to downloadable items after purchase
    • Choose to give access automatically after purchase, or manually configure it
    • Choose period of time to grant access, or choose unlimited access
  • Inventory
    • Keep track of item inventory automatically - either after customer purchase or after purchase confirmation
    • You can set inventory for different Item Option selections too!
    • Choose to automatically display a "Limited Supply" message when an item's inventory reaches a certain amount
    • Choose to automatically display an "Out of Stock" message when an item is out of stock, and/or to allow or not allow purchases of out-of-stock item
  • Payments Management
    • Keep track of payments and incoming orders
    • Orders purchased from the E-commerce App automatically get inserted into the database
    • Payment status updated automatically if using PayPal as the payment system
    • Add/Edit orders from the Admin Panel, for when receiving requests by mail or email, or in store
  • Item Ratings & Reviews
    • Choose to allow reviews on items, with a 5 point rating system and text box for customer review
    • Allow anonymous reviews, or require customer login
    • Choose reviews processing - automatic approval, require admin approval, or only require admin approval when user is not logged in
    • Choose to use CAPTCHA code to reduce spam for posting reviews
    • Use the default star rating images, or customize with your own images
  • Social Plugin Easy Integration
    • Integrate the Facebook Like, Twitter Share, and Google +1 buttons/social plugins in your Item Pages easily with one click - choose to have the social icon buttons on the top of the page, bottom of the page,  or both!
  • Affiliates System
    • Choose whether members automatically are approved as an affiliate, or require admin approval
    • Set commission rate
    • Choose whether affiliates may receive a commission on their own orders
    • Upload your banners, text links, and banner/text mixed ads

Ultimate Web Builder 2.3

Security Updates

  • Includes Last Login IP address display in Admin Panel

Blog/Forum redirect to homepage if set to Inactive

WordPress blog updated to latest version

Software version is now displayed in Admin Panel top header

Ultimate Web Builder 2.2

Added More User Friendly Features

  • Populate Add Page form with another page - great for testing out different versions of a page

Stylesheets App Added

  • Easily create & manage multiple stylesheets
  • Choose default stylesheet
  • Ability to choose a specific stylesheet for a page, or blog pages, or forum pages
  • Each page/section can easily have a different style
  • Easily switch between styles

Redirect Types/Configuration Options Added

  • Add/Edit Page: Choose to redirect page to a URL address, a page on your website, or to redirect to first child page
  • Choose Redirect Type: to go to that page directly, or to require page reloading

Choose separator character(s) for Page Footer Links

Ultimate Web Builder 2.1

Added 2 Ad(d)s for adding code after the connection file and before the page html start

  • Useful for easy further customization

Added Watermarking Photos App

  • Easy & quick watermarking on your photos dynamically - includes batch watermarking capability
  • Choose to save your original photo in the Admin Panel for later use - original is saved securely and is not available publicly or through the internet photo url
  • Choose watermark position and transparency
  • Option to revert photo to previosly saved original, or original without any watermarks

Added Login Form Options

  • Choose whether Register link appears on Login Form 
  • Choose One Row Line or Box Format Style for Login Form

Added Page Title Options

  • Choose ordering - page title / site
  • Choose separator between page/site title

More User-Friendly Admin Panel Features

  • Table rows colored odd/even, highlight yellow on select (List Pages, Categories, Photos, ...etc.)
  • Added Batch Password Select Pages
  • Added sections/quick links to Configure Site / Advanced Styles admin pages

16 New Page Formats Added!

  •  Added Batch Switch Format Page

Password Protect Select Pages - Set Select Members/Groups Access Only:

  • Secure any of your pages by allowing access to members and/or member groups you select
  • Choose which page users without access should be redirected to, or choose to just display an Access Denied message you customize on the Basic Set Up page of your Admin Panel

Members & Member Groups System - Login Form, Registration Form, Forgot Pasword Form, Profile Page:

  • Place your Login Form anywhere on your created website pages - on the header, the side columns, the center of the page content, etc. Easy copy/paste of the Placeholder Text and your Login Form is there.
  • Choose all the language on your Login Form, Registration Form, Forgot Password Form, and Profile Page, Email Notifications, and Activation Page...all customizeable
  • Customize the Registration Form to ask the questions you want - with the format you want.  Choose to make input fields text fields, menus (with the option of allowing user to select one option or multiple options), radio buttons, or checkboxes
  • Set Registration/Profile fields to required or not
  • Choose to automatically add registered members to the Mailing List, ask user if they want to subscribe to the mailing list, or don't integrate with the Mailing List at all.  You can map the member registration fields to the Mailing List fields easily through the Admin Panel, on the Config Site > Basic Setup page, so users don't have to type the same information again.
  • Choose the Activation Process for member registrations - require Member Email Confirmation, require Admin Approval, or automatically activate new member accounts.
  • If a user tries to login with an account that is not activated, they will get a message to request another activation email to be sent, if the Activation Process is set to require Member Email Confirmation.
  • Choose whether members can choose which member group they belong to or use the individual/batch tool to move members into selected member group(s) - for purposes of restricted access/password protect pages, for example.