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You can create and embed a guestbook for your website using the built-in Comments App, in the UltimateWB Full version software!   Check out the UltimateWB Video Tutorual, "How to Add & Customize a Guestbook on your Website", for a quick, easy way tro add a Guestbook page to your website using the built-in Templates app, and how to customize via your website admin panel. Based on...[ Read More... ]
1) First you will want to configure your Forum App, under the Configure Site > Social Networking > Forum page.     This will take you to the Forum Config page:   At the top, there are Placeholder Text that you can copy/paste for the Search/Advanced Search Tool, Search Results page, and Forum Categories.  Go through this page to customize how you want...[ Read More... ]
On the Admin Panel Configure Site > Social Networking > Commenting/Rating section, you can configure how your comments/ratings section will work, will look, and what features to include.   You can choose to include a Likes / Unlikes Feature, and even choose the images to use! Choose to include a Subscribe option for users, either for members only, or to website...[ Read More... ]
You can easily add a comments & ratings section to your webpages using Ultimate Web Builder software!  Just go to the Add/Edit Page on your Admin Panel, scroll down to the "Include Comments Section On Page" section, and configure accordingly.   In the first configuration menu here, you can choose to allow, require, or make optional for users to post comments and/or ratings....[ Read More... ]
Besides setting up the option for members/visitors to subscribe to new comments and receive email notification as described on "Configuring Comments & Ratings Section: Comment Like/Unlike, Subscribe, Post Processing", you can also set a notification option for members to be emailed when their comment receives a reply (if you have the Replies feature turned On, on the...[ Read More... ]
  Easily include the latest articles, classifieds, blog posts or latest forum posts in a section on any of your pages from your Add/Edit Pages on your Admin Panel - choose how many posts to include, and the listing style, then just copy/paste the Placeholder Text to where you want it to appear. Similarly, you can also embed these feeds on your Mailers, by copying/pasting the generated...[ Read More... ]
RSS feeds are another way for your web audience to connect to/read your content.  And also you can use your rss feed page url (i.e. your-website.com/feed.xml) to share your website content and posts automatically to social networking websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. using one of the online tools available on the web.  It’s a very useful tool to increase your...[ Read More... ]
In the Edit Profile section on the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose whether to use Profile Pictures/Avatars, customize the sizing, and language used. If you create Avatar Categories and upload Avatars to your website, members wil also be given the choice to choose a pre-loaded avatar on their Edit Profile page, besides the option of uploading their own avatar or...[ Read More... ]
We have gotten excellent search engine optimization (SEO) results and feedback from using the Ultimate Web Builder software and the built-in search engine optimization tool.  The software has been coded and designed in a way to not only provide compatibility across computer systems, ipad and smart phones, but also provide the meta tags and coding search engines utilize and need when deciding...[ Read More... ]
Go to the Ad(d)s > Add Ad(d) tab to embed ads such as Google AdSense or other media to your website and integrate into your pages. For Ads and "Adds". Get Your Google, Yahoo, other ad code, YouTube embed code, Gym Chat embed code, or other embed code from its respective site and copy/paste it in the Code Text field of the "Ad(d)s" section of your Admin Panel.  After adding, go to...[ Read More... ]
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