Online Consultant

Features Overview of Ultimate Web Buider Software

POWER of BUILT-IN: Apps that work together!
Click on any puzzle piece to jump to that section!
CMS = Content Management System.
Create, Edit, and Publish pages
Easy Access - Add, edit, and publish content from any computer with an internet connection from your website admin panel.
Unlimited Pages
Create UNLIMITED Pages, with parent pages and sublevels/subpages. Choose to display page links in the menu bar, footer links area, or other. Optionally choose select pages to open in new tabs/windows, i.e. for menu tabs directing to external links.
Multi-Level Menus
Multi-Level Menu Capability. Create drop-down menus dynamically and automatically based on your page configurations.
Format & Reformat Page
Dynamic Formatting - Choose a Format for each page and Re-Format it easily at any time. You can further format page sections using "Divs" or "Tables".
Multiple page sections
Create/Save/Use MULTIPLE Header, Footer, Side Left, Side Right, Non-Scrolling Top Row / Footer Row Sections.
Backups Revert, Page Edit History Tool
Page History Tool - Check out your page edit history and revert your page to a backup.
One=Page Website Tool
One-Page Website Tool - Switch your website into a one-page website - with all the top menu page content on one page instead of multiple pages - and back again with the click of a button.
Statistics Data
Admin Panel Dashboard - View your website activity statistics. Includes activity info for previous 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 3 months, year, and total.  Info on new members, inactive members, subscribers, comments, reports, payments, and more, including admin activity, i.e. pages, photos, items added.
Documents Manager App
Documents Manager - Upload extra documents & files one by one or with the Batch Upload tool. Include an optional thumbnail for each (to link to the document, for example a pdf flyer). Upload .doc/.docx or pdf documents and link to them from your other pages. Integrate into your website by copying the provided Placeholder Text. Update all instances easily by updating the item in the Documents Manager.
Ad(d)s Manager App
Ad(d)s Manager - Extend UWB software by adding custom php/html/js/css coding in your pages. You can also copy/paste embed code for plugins/media such as youtube videos, or integrate ads code for Google Ads, for example.
HTML Ad(d)s Manager App
HTML Ad(d)s Manager - Create page sections to integrate/update in multiple pages of your website easily, by copying/pasting the generated Placeholder Text to where you want it to display. Uses Content Editor Box like on the Add/Edit Pages of your website admin panel.
Restrict Page Access
Restrict Page Access -  Allow access to certain pages/sections of your website to only logged in members. or certain member groups or members. Choose a redirect page and/or display an access diened message.
Site Maintenance App
Site Maintenance Redirect - Set your website to "Site Maintenance" Mode to redirect users on your website to a temporary page on your website while you perform updates on your website. Choose which pages are still available during Site Maintenance.  You can also still allow access to your website to select admins and/or ip addresses.
Backup Database App
Backup Database Tool - Easily backup your website database / download with one click of a button, directly from your website admin panel.
CSS = Cascading Stylesheets, i.e. STYLE!
Styles Manager
Styles Manager - Create, save, and optionally use Multiple Stylesheets.  Set page/section background images, colors, fonts, sizing - the software does the CSS coding for you.  You can optionally add your own css coding too if you want.
Fluid & Responsive Design
Fluid & Responsive Design - You can choose to set section widths in percentages rather than in pixel widths to adopt a fluid and responsive style. Use the Responsive App to have your website automatically reformat based on the user's screen width, for the best viewing experience on laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
Photos App
Photos / Galleries / Slideshows App - Embed photos in your page content or create user-friendly / SEO friendly photo galleries & slideshows EASILY! Batch upload photos - even batch watermark photos. There are unlimited photo gallery & slideshow configurations possible, including animations Regular, Fade, Flash, Push, Wipe Right, Wipe Left, Slide Up, Slide Down, Video. Ultimate Web Builder software uses javascript - not Flash - so your website will work on ipad and smart phones too, not to mention be great for top search engine ranking.
Mosaic Grid App
Mosaic Grid App - Customize and generate a dynamic photo collage or multi-media collage, i.e. mosaic grid. Upload photos and create html boxes (no coding required!) to include in the grid, arranged by the program automatically based on sizing. Set grid width, height, animation option, choose whether grid elements are draggable, choose a default size for grid elements, choose random sizing, random background colors, and more. Have lots of photos? Use the batch upload tool, and optionally choose a set number of media images to be arranged randomly. Photos can be linked to enlarged overlay pop-up or to a specified page.
Custom Favicon
Custom Favicon, Internet Browser Icon - Upload your own customized internet browser icon to match your logo/website brand and the software automatically updates your webpages accordingly. The icon will be displayed next to the internet page url and page tabs.
Who can/will access your website ... Traffic / Ranking!
Cross Platform / Browser Compatibility
Cross Platform / Browser Compatibility - Software uses coding to create elements which will display on the major internet browsers and platforms, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.  The navigation menus, photo galleries, and slideshows display Flash-like animations that are coded with javascript instead of Flash - so that they will work on various devices, including smartphones.  This is great for search engine optimization (SEO) too!
Customize Language
Customize All Language - All language & phrases used on your website are configurable from your website admin panel.
Multiple Languages / Configurations App
Multiple Languages / Configurations App - Not only can you choose your website language, but you can choose to put it in multiple languages/configurations, accessible via a Switch Language/Configuration menu. 
Built-in SEO Tool
Built-In SEO Tool - SEO = Search Engine Optimization. Software generates your "meta tags" (Keywords / Description) for search engines on a site-wide and per-page basis. Your photo category/slideshow images use your photo name fields as the Alt image tags, and you can include "/home/ultimate/public_html/Description" and "Title" tags to photos added through your text editor. 
Custom URLs
User / SEO Friendly Custom Page URLs - You choose the page URLs you want.
Sitemap Generator
Sitemap Generator Tool - The easiest way to create your website sitemap! Select sitemap file name. Choose what content gets included in the sitemap: webpages, item pages, member pages, custom pages, blog posts, forum posts, etc. Choose whether to include modified date on sitemap. Automatically run the sitemap generator tool each day and/or run it manually from your Admin Panel.
Feed Generator
RSS Feed Generator Tool - Choose which kind of posts to include in the automatically generated RSS feed (xml), add your custom website logo to your feed, add a custom copyright, and customize other settings, including how far back to include posts from. Choose to either run the feed generator manually, or set up a cron job (automatic script) from your web hosting control panel (no coding required). RSS feeds are another way for your web audience to connect to/read your content. And also you can use your RSS feed page url (i.e. your-website.com/feed.xml) to share your website content and posts automatically to social networking websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. using one of the online tools available on the web. It’s a very useful tool to increase your social reach and web traffic!

Includes HTML Feed Generator: Create an HTML feed that can be viewed online without an RSS feed reader, and can also be used in html emails.  Choose to include posts from "x" days ago.

Automatic Mailers: Configure HTML Feed Email app to automatically send a mailer with your HTML Feed Content to all subscribers or select mailing list group(s).  Choose how often to run/send the emails.  Customize the email content and subject (including email footer as customized within the Social Networking app).
Mailing List App
Mailing List App - Add a Subscribe form to your website. Require user email confirmation, admin approval, or automatically activate user subscriptions.  Includes feature to request a user re-confirmation of email via your admin panel.  Create mail groups. Create, customize, and save html mailers. Send mailers to your mailing list, or select mail groups or members, or customers.  You can check what emails got sent/got error sending for each mailer.  Customize each mailer being sent automatically with each subscriber's name or other mailing list field, or member/customer field using the KEY. Include customized blogs, forums, articles, listings, classifieds, and/or scrapbooks feeds in your email. You can even add attachments. Use batch email sending to avoid server overload. You can schedule mailers to automatically send them at a set time too!  Use the importer tool to import emails into the mail application. 
Contact Form
Contact Form - Let people contact you on your website without having to post your email addresses/attract more spam. Customize your own Contact Form - and the formatting of the fields, whether they are required or not, and if the user may choose more than one option in the menu. You can also configure the contact form to allow web visitors to upload attachments - choose the max total file size allowed. Use CAPTCHA to reduce spam - require web visitors to enter in the code displayed on the screen below the form to authenticate that user is not a machine and for the mail to go through. The contact form gets sent to your email with automatic Sender IP Address Logging.  You can also customize an autoresponse email to send to users automatically after they email you via your website contact form - this can include info they submitted in the form too.
Sell Online.
Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart - Sell items, digital downloads, services, subscriptions, or receive donations easily on your website. Customize & format the shopping cart display, language & buttons, view cart, and check out pages. Manage items with variable options/pricing and photos.
Shopping Cart Checkout
Checkout / Payment Processing - Choose a PayPal checkout or opt for orders to be emailed directly to you, for any further processing. You can receive automatic notification from PayPal after a payment is processed, enabling automatic file download or subscriptions/member area access after payment.
Credits App
Credits App - Set an optional default number of credits each member starts out with, or require members to buy credits. Sell credits with automatic processing of credits to member's account via PayPal. Credits format may be set to whole numbers. Use an optional second member account, for Savings/Loan, for example. Members may transfer credits from their account to their Savings/Loan account, if used. Members can track their transactions from their account. You can manage transactions from Admin Panel.
Digital Download
Automatic Digital Downloads after Purchase - Works with PayPal purchases.
Item Ratings & Reviews
Item Reviews & Ratings  
Coupons, Discounts
Coupons / Item Discounts - Create coupon codes for special promotions & sales.
Shipping Prices
Set Shipping Prices
Tax Rates
Set Tax Rates
Related Items
Display "Related Items" and "People who purchased this also purchased..." sections.
Affiliates App
Affiliates App -  Take advantage of a built-in affiliates program option to grow sales through profit sharing.
Inventory Management
Inventory Management - Keep track of item inventory. Choose to display a message when an item is in "Limited Supply" (you choose when that is) or "Out of Stock". Choose to not allow purchases when an item is out of stock.
Social Share Items
Social Share buttons.  Increase word of mouth by easily adding Facebook Like, Twitter Share, and Google +1 social plugins for each item. (Google +1 has discontinued its services)
Make your website interactive! ...Great even if you're not a "social network".
Members System
Members System - Customize your own Registration / Login forms, Public Profile and Edit Profile pages - the language, style, formatting, fields, optional/required fields, and default Privacy settings. Use Profile Photos / Avatars, menu fields, radio boxes, checkboxes, or text fields. 
Social Login
Social Login - Give your members the option to login via their Facebook,  Google, or Apple accounts. Integrates with your website member's system.
Social Login
Rewards App - Reward members for posting, viewing, commenting, liking, and sharing posts within your website, integrated in the Articles, Listings, Classifieds, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, Audio Uploads, File Uploads, Calendar Events, and Forum apps. Choose whether the reward type is points or credits, customizable for each app/action. Configure the number of points or credits awarded per action. Optionally display member's points on website with member info. Integrate Member Points Leaderboard page easily to display a list of members with the most points, configure how many members to display.
Privacy Settings
Privacy Settings - Set privacy default settings for profile fields. Allow users to set their own privacy settings.  Option to allow Private Status setting for user uploads in Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Calendar Events, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, and File Uploads Apps. Members may choose to keep posts private, public, or share/don't share with select friends/friend groups.
Search Tool
Search Tool - Use the Forms App to combine forms/member profile fields for your Search form. Choose which fields are searchable, and which fields are required to search. Customize the search results formatting to show just member profile photos/usernames, or show a data entries table, with the columns you choose. Users may click each entry to view full data, per the privacy settings. Search tool is also available for the various Social Apps.
Friend - Allow members to send/approve friend requests and add other members as friends. Option to organize friends in groups, for use in post privacy settings. Option to show Mutual Friends, and recently added friends.
Fan - Allow users to fan each other.
Block - Allow users to block other users.
Private Messaging
Private Messaging - Allow users to message each other privately within your website.
Real-Time Chat
Real-Time Chat - A real-time chatting option to complement the private messaging feature for your users. Chat bar can be clicked on to expand or retract, and the website remembers the user's choice as they navigate through your website. Chat contacts consists of member's friends, with online/offline indicator, and user photo (if applicable). If member sends an instant message to someone who is not online, that user will get the missed chat messages in their inbox on your website, and also receive any email notifications set on your website. Also, a missed messages count displays in the chat bar next to the member's username when greater than 0. The search box at bottom of chat bar allows users to type search keyword and automatically filter the display of the contact matching the search text. The Chat bar styling automatically complements your website's form button stylings.
Page Ratings & Reviews
Page/Post/Upload Rating, Commenting, Comment Likes & Unlikes & Replies - Add a rating / commenting section on any page, including on each member's public profile page easily. Users can Like / Unlike comments, and Reply to comments too. Choose to open up the conversation to website visitors too, and optionally require an email address if they are not logged in. Keep the coversation going by activating member email notifications.  Option to show who has liked/unliked comments.
Page/Upload Likes / Unlikes App
Page/Upload Likes & Unlikes App - Allow users to show their love or dislike of user posted uploads - besides the 5-Star (or other image you customize) Rating feature available. Customize options for display of Like/Unlike icons and text. Allow users and/or members to like/unlike. Option to show who has liked/unliked post. You can also choose to not use the unlike option.
Page/Upload Shares App
Page/Upload Shares App - Allow users and/or members to share user uploads in Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Calendar Events, Forums (on Timeline), Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, and File Uploads Apps. Option to allow for added message with share and customize the textbox options/features. Shares are displayed on Timeline (for all users, members, or fanned members) / Timeline Member Profile. Option to show who has shared.
Timeline App
Timeline App - Include posts / activity by all users, members, fanned, or friends. Option to also create a Timeline of just a member's posts/activity. Choose which apps to include posts from / what types: Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, File Uploads, Calendar Events (Posted, Marked Attending, by event date or post date), and Forum Apps. Choose which apps to include posts shared, commented on, and liked from: Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, File Uploads, Calendar Events Posted, and Forum Posts. Choose which Timeline posts to include the share button, comment button, and like button on. Customize icons, phrases, and display. Option to include Privacy and Manage buttons on Timeline posts for easy management. Posts load on page as user scrolls down the page, in increments per value you set.
Forms & Surveys Builder
Forms & Surveys Builder - Create, customize, and integrate unlimited forms and surveys in your website, with unlimited fields. Choose the field type and what fields are required/optional. You can even create answer-dependent fields (where if you choose a, you get question 2; choose b, you get question 3, etc.). Organize your fields in multi-pages if you want. Set permissions on who can submit the forms and who can view the data, and how many times members and/or visitors may submit a form/survey per period of time - great for contests!

Store submissions automatically in the database, and/or set to email to you, an admin, or to selected mailing list groups. Optionally display select forms/data on the Edit Profile & Public Profile pages. Analyze data from your Admin Panel, including bar graphs depicting the percentage of responses for each choice!

Polls App
Polls App - Create unlimited polls, will unlimited fields. Choose the field type, and what fields are required/optional. Set limits on how many times a user may vote, per period of time and/or in total, and who can vote and who can view poll results. Choose when visitors may view poll results (i.e. require voting first). Customize the coloring of the bars showing the voting results. Choose to display who voted what, or just display the percentages with the bars visual display. Easily integrate social share buttons automatically.
Articles App
Articles App - Post articles and even open up submissions from your members and/or visitors. Choose when to automatically approve and when to require admin approval. Add photos and videos.  Easily integrate a comments/ratings area and social networking plugins Facebook Share, Twitter Share, and Google+. Members can find articles from each category index or the Articles Search Tool. You can also add a Related Articles section.
Blog - Integrate a WordPress blog easily / automatically in your website. Your created style / design from your website gets applied to the blog app - including your header, footer, and menu. Blog users requires a separate login than website (uses WordPress system). To use your website members system only, use the custom UWB Articles App.
Forum App
Forum - Create forum categories, sub categories. Set permission settings to post, view, create polls, vote on polls, post / download files. Choose to allow both members/visitors to post. Control spam by requiring a set number of approved posts before automatically approving posts, for members and visitors. Choose post activation process. Allow users to create polls with option to allow users to choose multiple answers.  Configure polling, voting, and viewing votes process and settings. Allow users to upload files; set allowed types and limits on file sizes. Option for topic rating and posts likes/unlikes. Quick Search / Advanced Search tool options. Related Topics Section. Social Share Options: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, and Google +1 (Google +1 has discontinued its services)
Listings Directory App
Listings Directory App - Allow members/visitors to post their company or service listing in your online directory.  Allow free listings, option to set a price for posting listings, and set limits on number of free listings. Easily integrate Google maps with listings.  Allow users to sell an item within their listing, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale. Organize listings into types, categories, and sub categories - option to allow multiple categories to be added to a listing and to charge extra for it. Customize the listing fields for each listing type. Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System. Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts. User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal. Special options: Featured Listings, Highlight, Bold. Option to allow posting photos / videos (including from YouTube), with option to add a fee to it. Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc. Manage Listings via Admin Panel. Listing Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not). Members can find directory listings from each category index or the Listings Search / Advanced Search Tools. If you choose to use Location Menus field type for the states/cities, rather than the text field type, you can also include a Distance Search tool and customize the distance options, as well as whether to display it in km and/or miles. Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google +1 (Google +1 has discontinued its services), and Whatsapp.
Classifieds App
Classifieds & Auctions - Allow other people to sell stuff on your website too, or just post ads! Activate ads automatically, require member email activation, or admin approval, optionally basing it on whether the poster is a logged in member. Like eBay, you can even set a price for the ads, and a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale. You can also optionally charge for photos / videos (including YouTube) added to the ad, and setting the ad as "Featured", highlighted, or bold - all to stick out the ad. Show featured, new, most popular, or highest rated ads in the top and/or footer rows. Choose the number of ad columns per row for the directory - you can make it look like a newspaper if you want. Members can find classified ads from each category index or the Classifieds Search / Advanced Search Tools.  If you choose to use Location Menus field type for the states/cities, rather than the text field type, you can also include a Distance Search tool and customize the distance options, as well as whether to display it in km and/or miles. Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, and Google+1.

Organize ads into types, categories, and sub categories. Customize the ad fields for each ad type. You can allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System. Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts. User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal. Manage classifieds via Admin Panel.

Choose which Classifieds categories include an auction option - either increasing bids for when the poster is selling an item, or decreasing bids for when the poster wants a quote for a service, for example. Option to charge extra for posting Classified type Auction. Option to require credits in the user's account when they are bidding with the user-to-user payment processing type "Credits". Option to offer "Buy Now" button for posters, so that they can choose a price where the auction item becomes sold automatically. Option to use auto bidding, where users can choose a max bid when placing a bid, so that the system can bid automatically for them if their bid gets beat. Set the bid increments, or allow the poster to set it. Set the bid days for an auction, or allow the poster to set it. Choose to use a preview period, set the preview days, or allow the poster to set it. Customize Bid Start Date Format. Bid Close Date Format, Bid Date Format. Extend active auction by a set number of minutes if a bid is made within a set number of minutes before an auction closes. Choose to allow bidders to cancel bid, posters to cancel auction. Include Classifieds/Auction Sort in the Search Tool, Advanced Search Tool, and/or the Filter Menu.

Scrapbooks App
Scrapbooks App - Allow members/visitors to post articles, photos, and videos (including from YouTube) - like a scrapbook! Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/photos/videos, and set limits on number of free listings. Allow users to sell an item within their scrapbook, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale. Organize scrapbooks into types, categories, and sub categories. Customize the scrapbook fields for each listing type. Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System. Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts. User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal. Special options: Featured Scrapbooks, Highlight, Bold. Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc. Manage Scrapbooks via Admin Panel. Scrapbooks Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not). Members can find scrapbooks from each category index or the Scrapbooks Search / Advanced Search Tools. Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.
Photos App + Meme Generator
Photo Uploads App + Meme Generator (photo captions) - Allow members/visitors to post photos and optionally create albums.  Batch uploading feature available to allow users to upload multiple photos at once to separate pages or as a "photo block" on the same page.  Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts.  Organize photo uploads into types, categories, and sub categories.  Customize the photo upload fields for each listing type.  Activate built-in "Meme Generator" App to allow members to add text to their posted photos, with customized font size/color and positions.  Special options include: Featured Photo Uploads, Highlight, Bold.  Create Top / Footer displays, for featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.  Easily integrate a Top Rated Photos page / Most Viewed Photos page into your website.

Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/photos, and set limits on number of free listings and albums.  Allow users to sell an item within their photo page, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale.  Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System.  User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal.

Manage Photo Uploads via Admin Panel.  Photo Uploads Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not).  Members can find photo uploads from each category index or the Photo Uploads Search / Advanced Search Tools.  Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.
Videos App
Video Uploads App - Allow members/visitors to post videos and optionally create playlists.  Batch uploading feature available to allow users to upload multiple videos at once to separate pages or as a "video block" on the same page.  Configure whether users may upload videos direct and/or upload YouTube videos.  Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts.  Organize video uploads into types, categories, and sub categories.  Customize the video upload fields for each listing type.  Special options include: Featured Video Uploads, Highlight, Bold.  Create Top / Footer displays, for featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.  Easily integrate Top Rated Videos page / Most Viewed Videos page into your website.

Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/videos, and set limits on number of free listings and playlists.  Allow users to sell an item within their video page, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale.  Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System.  User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal

Manage Video Uploads via Admin Panel.  Video Uploads Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not).  Members can find video uploads from each category index or the Video Uploads Search / Advanced Search Tools.  Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.
Videos App
Audio Uploads App - Allow members/visitors to post audios and optionally create playlists.  Batch uploading feature available to allow users to upload multiple audios at once to separate pages or as an "audio block" on the same page.  Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts.  Organize audio uploads into types, categories, and sub categories.  Customize the audio upload fields for each listing type.  Special options include: Featured Audio Uploads, Highlight, Bold.  Create Top / Footer displays, for featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.  Easily integrate Top Rated Audios page / Most Viewed Audios page into your website.

Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/audios, and set limits on number of free listings and playlists.  Allow users to sell an item within their audio page, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale.  Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System.  User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal

Manage Audio Uploads via Admin Panel.  Audio Uploads Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not).  Members can find audio uploads from each category index or the Audieo Uploads Search / Advanced Search Tools.  Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.
Files App
File Uploads App - Allow members/visitors to post files for download and optionally create series.  Batch uploading feature available to allow users to upload multiple files at once to separate pages or as a "file block" on the same page.  Set a member group requirement for posting and/or accessing posts.  Organize file uploads into types, categories, and sub categories.  Customize the file upload fields for each listing type.  Special options include: Featured File Uploads, Highlight, Bold.  Create Top / Footer displays: featured, new, most popular, highest rated, etc.  Easily integrate Top Rated Files page / Most Viewed Files page into your website.

Allow free postings, option to set a price for posting/videos, and set limits on number of free listings and series.  Allow users to sell an item within their file page, with option to set a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a sale.  Allow posters to sell downloadable items, which the buyers can access automatically after payment via the Credits System.  User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal.

Manage File Uploads via Admin Panel.  File Uploads Activation Options - automatically activate, require member email activation, or admin activation required (can also base on whether the poster is a member or not).  Members can find file uploads from each category index or the File Uploads Search / Advanced Search Tools.  Include Social Share Buttons: Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google+1, and Whatsapp.
Calendar App
Calendar App -  Display month, daily, and yearly calendars on your website, and stylize with the Styles Manager. Allow other people to post events on your website too! Set posting/accessising requirements, and customize activation process. Allow posting of "repeat" events with a Start Date, Close Date, and repeat type: daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly; plus set a repeat frequency (i.e. every other day, etc.). Organize events into types, categories, and sub categories. Customize the event fields for each event type.  Allow users to also create their own "Event Lists", or categories.

You can charge for posting events, and also a percentage transaction fee when the user makes a ticket sale via the Buy button on the event. Optionally allow digital downloads after ticket purchase. User to user transactions can be carried out via the Credits System, or via PayPal. You can also optionally charge for photos / videos (including YouTube) added to the event, and setting the event as "Featured", highlighted, or bold - all to stick out the event. Show featured, new, most popular, highest rated, or upcoming events in the top and/or footer rows. Members can find events from Calendars, each category index, or the Events Search / Advanced Search Tools.

Allow option for event to use Attending button, where members and or visitors can choose if they will attend, might attend, or not attend. Option to connect Buy tickets button to Attending feature. Option to display attending stats on event. Buy tickets button / Attending button are automaically removed from events after close date. Include Upcoming Events notification options for members, for events attending and/or events they might attend, for the next day and/or upcoming week.

Notifications App
Notifications App - Set/customize email notification options for users to choose to turn on.  Provide members with activity alerts directly on your website.  Choose to display all notification alerts in one section with 1 icon/button, or organize the alerts in up to 3 different types: (1) New Fans, (2) New Comments/Replies, and (3) New Likes/Shares/New Topic Comments/RSVPs for Calendar Events.  Choose which apps to include notifications for: Articles, Classifieds, Listings, Scrapbooks, Photo Uploads, Video Uploads, File Uploads, Calendar Events, and Forum Apps.  Customize icons, phrases, and display.  Notifications load on page as user scrolls down the page, in increments per value you set.
Timezone - Set default timezone for your website, and allow users to choose their timezone. Dates then get displayed in their timezone.
Flag Content
Flag Content - Allow users to flag content to assist in controlling spam and unacceptable content. Choose to count reports from members vs visitors differently. Remove content and/or ban members based on the number of reports.
Admins / Moderators
Admins / Moderators - Delegate moderating content.
Social Share Buttons
Social Share Buttons - Add Facebook Like, Twitter Share, Google +1, and Whatsapp share buttons. (Whatsapp is currently available for the Listings Directory App / Scrapbooks App only; Google +1 has discontinued its services)