Search Results for: accessibility

Is it bad to have underlined text on your website, even if your links are not underlined, for accessibility issues?

Yes, it is considered not a good idea to have underlined text on your website, even if your links are not underlined, due to accessibility issues. This is because underlining is a common way to indicate that a piece of … Continue reading

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How to Test the Color Contrast of Your Website for Accessibility?

A website’s success isn’t solely determined by its visual appeal and functionality—it also hinges on how accessible it is to all users, including those with visual impairments. Color contrast is a critical component of web accessibility, as it directly impacts … Continue reading

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What are some free online websites that can help us test our websites for accessibility compliance?

Accessibility compliance is important for ensuring that all users can access and use your website, regardless of their abilities. There are a number of free online websites that can help you test your website for accessibility compliance. Here are a … Continue reading

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What is web accessibility testing? Is it free or paid? What tools can be used to do accessibility testing?

Web accessibility testing is the process of evaluating a website or web application to ensure that it is usable and accessible to people with disabilities. The goal of accessibility testing is to identify and address barriers that might prevent individuals … Continue reading

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Does Google Page Speed Insights tell you if your website is ADA compliant?

No, Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) does not directly tell you if your website is ADA compliant. While PSI offers valuable insights into website performance and accessibility, it focuses on technical aspects that contribute to accessibility, not legal compliance with ADA … Continue reading

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What Common SEO Mistakes Should Companies Avoid on Their WordPress Sites?

When it comes to building and managing a website, WordPress is a popular choice for many companies. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that there are alternatives like UltimateWB, which offers faster-loading websites and better optimization out of the box. If … Continue reading

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What are the key elements of great UX design and how can you improve your skills in creating it?

There are two main areas that contribute to great UX design: usability and user-friendliness. Let’s break down the key elements of each: Usability: User-friendliness: Here are some ways to improve your UX design skills: Are you ready to design & … Continue reading

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Top 10 Mistakes Nonprofits Make When Building Their Website: A Guide to Getting it Right

Your nonprofit’s website is a digital storefront, a platform to connect with donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries. But with so much riding on your website, it’s easy to make mistakes during the creation process. Here are the top 10 pitfalls to … Continue reading

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Website Design Guide: Building a User-Friendly and Engaging Site

“What website design guide is the best strategy?” This guide offers key principles and best practices to craft a website that excels in both user experience and visual appeal. 1. Planning and Foundation 2. Design Principles 3. User Experience (UX) … Continue reading

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