Tag Archives: WordPress

Do WordPress plugins sometimes leave stuff on your website after uninstalling the plugin?

Yes, WordPress plugins can sometimes leave leftover data on your website after uninstalling them. It is another drawback to using WordPress plugins, besides security issues. (And it’s not just WordPress, but also other open source platforms like Magento, Drupal, and … Continue reading

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What is the difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org? Does wordpress.com own WordPress?

The distinction between WordPress.com and WordPress.org can be somewhat confusing, but they serve different purposes and are run by different entities. WordPress.com WordPress.org Ownership and Domain Name Confusion Is this a good example of a company – WordPress – that … Continue reading

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How can you tell if a website was created using UltimateWB, WordPress, Squarespace, Weebly, WIX, or other website builders?

Determining the platform a website was created with often involves looking for specific markers or signatures in the site’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here are some methods and tips to identify the platform: 1. View the Page Source 2. Check … Continue reading

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Why Elementor Might Not Be Your WordPress Dream Builder

“Why wouldn’t you use Elementor with WordPress?” Elementor is a popular drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress, but is it the right choice for everyone? While it offers a user-friendly interface and lots of features, there are some situations where Elementor … Continue reading

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Review of Elementor for WordPress and Why UltimateWB is a Better Option

“Should I use Elementor for WordPress?” Elementor is a widely-used page builder for WordPress, known for its flexibility and extensive customization options. However, despite its popularity, there are several reasons why UltimateWB might be a more suitable choice for many … Continue reading

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What are the most common WordPress vulnerabilities?

WordPress, although widely used, is not particularly easy or user-friendly and can be susceptible to various security vulnerabilities. Here are some of the most common ones: Weak Passwords and Login Credentials: This tops the list because it applies not just … Continue reading

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Enhancing SEO: Post Meta Descriptions in Your UltimateWB integrated WordPress Blog – No Plugins Necessary!

As you may know, WordPress does not include meta descriptions by default – even though it is very much valued in SEO rankings by top search engines like Google. We decided to change that. As part of our ongoing commitment … Continue reading

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Navigating Compatibility Issues with WordPress Plugins: The Impact of Block vs. Non-Block Themes

In the dynamic world of WordPress, compatibility issues with plugins are a common concern for website owners and developers. WordPress offers a vast array of themes and plugins to enhance your website, but sometimes these combinations can lead to conflicts. … Continue reading

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Building Directory Websites: A Comparative Analysis of Brilliant Directories, WordPress, and UltimateWB

Directory websites are essential for various purposes, from local business listings to community-driven platforms. However, choosing the right website builder for your directory site can greatly impact your project’s success. In this article, we’ll compare three popular options for building … Continue reading

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What are the Most Bloated and Sluggish Website Builders of Today?

In today’s fast-paced digital world, website speed is of paramount importance. A slow-loading website can drive visitors away and harm your online presence. While there are numerous website builders available, not all of them are created equal. In this article, … Continue reading

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