Tag Archives: hosted solution

What is the difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org? Does wordpress.com own WordPress?

The distinction between WordPress.com and WordPress.org can be somewhat confusing, but they serve different purposes and are run by different entities. WordPress.com WordPress.org Ownership and Domain Name Confusion Is this a good example of a company – WordPress – that … Continue reading

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The Pivotal Role of Web Hosting Choice with Your Website Builder

When you embark on the journey of creating a website, selecting the right website builder is undoubtedly a significant decision. However, there’s another crucial aspect that’s often tightly intertwined with your website builder choice – web hosting. The hosting environment … Continue reading

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Would my website go down if I used Wix or Squarespace and they went out of business?

Yes, because they are hosted website builders – your website only works on their servers. If you use something like UltimateWB. there is not that problem, as you can download the website builder and your files, and host your website … Continue reading

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Is GoDaddy a good company to make a website with?

The GoDaddy website builder doesn’t have a lot of features and isn’t very flexible/customizable. Plus, then you would have no choice with web hosting, and have to host your website with them as it is a hosted website builder. I … Continue reading

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How do I choose the best website builder?

The best website builder for you is one that is easy for you to use, has all the features you need, and options available to grow your website both in design and features. You don’t want to have to worry … Continue reading

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How to switch your web hosting/website builder AND Keep Your SEO/Ranking/Traffic

All the hard work into creating your website, building links to your webpages and celebrating your first page ranking on Google…you don’t want to lose all that after switching your web hosting and/or website builder.  So how to keep your … Continue reading

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What is SaaS, pros and cons for using it for your website

No typo, we are talking about SaaS – the acronym for “Software as a Service”.  It means that you pay to get access to the software online; once you stop paying, you lose that access.   The software and associated data are … Continue reading

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Hosted Solution, Self-Hosted website, and the Best Option

There are two standard ways you can create, manage, and host your website online. 1) Hosted Solution.  This means that you are using an online service to both design/create your website, and host it online.  It is an all-in-one deal with … Continue reading

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