Tag Archives: avoid getting hacked

What are the most common WordPress vulnerabilities?

WordPress, although widely used, is not particularly easy or user-friendly and can be susceptible to various security vulnerabilities. Here are some of the most common ones: Weak Passwords and Login Credentials: This tops the list because it applies not just … Continue reading

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What are the most important things to consider when setting up security for your website?

Keep your website builder/platform upgraded, have SSL on your web hosting, have strong passwords. I also like to avoid using third party plugins – you can do that easily without being a coder by using UltimateWB. UltimateWB has a lot … Continue reading

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Newest Mac Operating System has security hole: how to avoid getting hacked

If your Mac is using that latest Operating System (OS) version, Mac OS Sierra, your computer may be hackable due to a security flaw Apple is trying to resolve asap.  Security researchers disclosed the bug Tuesday that allows anyone from … Continue reading

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