Tag Archives: domain name

Would a .me or .blog domain stand out more out of the crowd today than a .com?

Short answer: .me and .blog are more unique and less common tlds than a .com, but then people may forget the correct domain name Longer answer: Compared to common TLDs like .com, both .me and .blog will stand out. However, … Continue reading

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Hyphen or No Hyphen? The Domain Name Dilemma

“Should I add a hyphen in my domain name or is it better for domain names not to include hyphens?” Crafting the perfect domain name is a right of passage for any website owner. It’s your digital storefront sign, your … Continue reading

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How many syllables and how many words should a domain name contain to make sure it is easy to remember and user friendly?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, it is generally advised to aim for short domain name vs longer domain names. Here are some guidelines for choosing a memorable and user-friendly domain name based on syllables and words: Syllables: Words: Other factors … Continue reading

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Why is “www.” required in front of some domains but not for other domains?

In today’s internet landscape, “www.” isn’t actually required for most domains. Historically, it signified the “World Wide Web” subdomain, where web content resided on a server. However, over time, it became more of a convention than a necessity. Here’s the … Continue reading

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Can you provide a detailed step by step guide to create a responsive .com website, including how and where to get a domain name, where to host my site, how to design it, and how to publicize the site?

In today’s digital age, having a professional and responsive website is essential for individuals and businesses alike. This guide will walk you through the detailed steps to create your own .com website using UltimateWB, an all-in-one website builder, including how … Continue reading

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.com vs .us, .com vs .uk…..com vs Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs): Which domain extension should you choose?

Choosing the right domain extension for your website is a crucial decision that can impact your online presence, branding, and search engine visibility. While the .com domain is the most popular and widely recognized, country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) like … Continue reading

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Is a .com domain better for SEO?

The choice of a domain extension, such as .com, .net, .org, or others, does not directly impact your SEO rankings. Search engines like Google do not favor one domain extension over another when it comes to ranking websites. However, there … Continue reading

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Why are all of the best domain names taken when there aren’t websites using them?

There are a few reasons why all of the best domain names are taken when there aren’t websites using them: In addition to these reasons, there are a few other factors that contribute to the scarcity of good domain names: … Continue reading

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Navigating Costs: The Transparency of Website Builders and Hidden Fees

In today’s world, where businesses of all sizes rely on their online presence, the choice of web development can significantly impact your budget. When it comes to building a business website, using a website builder is a popular and cost-effective … Continue reading

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