What is the difference between static and dynamic websites?

There are some advantages for both static and dynamic methods of website development, but if you are doing it right, dynamic websites are better and the preferred method of website creation – even if you are creating just a simple informational website.  Your website can suffer some pitfalls however if your dynamic website is not using the best coding/backend or website builder.

Let’s start with what a static vs. a dynamic website means.

Static websites are typically consisting of .htm or .html files.  What you see on that web page coding is what you get.  While this may make for some fast webpage loading, it can make the process of web development and web maintenance extremely slow and cumbersome.  Say you want to change the top header on all your webpages.  On a static website you would have to change the coding on each webpage individually.  Similarly, if you want to add a webpage to your website, and add the page to the navigation menu that is on each of your webpages, you would again have to go into each webpage and make the necessary updates over and over again.  Boring and takes up time that you could spend building content and traffic to your website.

Dynamic websites typically consist of .php, or sometimes .asp files.  If you use clean, good coding, or use a website builder that does, you can still get your website to load extremely fast.  Side note: also make sure your web hosting is good in terms of load times!  Unlike static websites, with dynamic websites website development and maintenance is a lot faster and easier.  When you want to update a section of your website on all your webpages, like the page header, footer, or navigation menu, you just have to edit that section, and the new content gets populated to all your webpages.  Ultimate Web Builder is a dynamic websites builder/CMS (content management system) and makes the process even easier and faster.  For example, when you add a webpage, you can choose to automatically have it added to your website’s navigation menu, on the top level or even as a sub menu.

When can a dynamic website not work for you?  It’s not the type of website that you have that causes the issues, but the coding/backend, or website builder you are using.  Some dynamic website builders have slower load times than others, due to more convoluted coding procedures.  When choosing the right website builder for you, it is best to check out websites using that website builder to check on the webpage loading times, although it should also be taken into account what web hosting the website is using.  That can make a huge difference too!

Website Development, Dynamic Websites

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