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You can customize your Forms configuration under the Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking > Forms tab.   Here you can customize the language phrases and settings.   You can create forms/surveys under the Admin...[ Read More... ]
Configure the format, style, and language of your Member Forms and Social Networking Tools, including the Member Registration Forms and the Member Sign Up & Activation Process, Edit Profile / Public Profile Page, and Inbox/Sent Box Pages (if you...[ Read More... ]
First, configure the general Polls App configurations on your Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking > Polls page.     Here you can customize the language phrases and settings.     You can create...[ Read More... ]
 In the Block section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to allow members to block other members.  Like other features, you can choose the button images to block/unblock a member, and how to...[ Read More... ]
In the Member Photos section of the Social Networking admin page, you can choose how many photos you want to allow members to upload, customize the language, and configure the options.  As mentioned on this page, the member photos get displayed...[ Read More... ]
In the Fan section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to allow members to fan other members.  Like other features, you can choose the button images to fan/unfan a member, and how to display...[ Read More... ]
In the Report section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to allow website visitors/members to report other members/member messages/member comments.  Like other features, you can choose the button...[ Read More... ]
In the Configure Site > Social Networking > Member Search section of your website admin panel you can customize the search language phrases, and also select a profile date field to be used as an Age field, or any duration field.  Choose...[ Read More... ]
  You can choose to use the Default or Custom Public Profile Page formatting, by selecting it on the Page Type menu in the Public Profile Page section on the Configure Site > Social Networking page.  Make sure to copy/paste the Public...[ Read More... ]
Go to Configure Site > Social Networking > Timeline for the Timeline configurations page.   On this page, you can configure which posts get displayed on the timeline pages - by who and which type - which features to use, customize the...[ Read More... ]
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