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  Website Setup: In the Chat section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to enable the user-to-user real-time instant messaging feature.  Like other features, you can choose the button images and...[ Read More... ]
Go to the Ad(d)s > Add Ad(d) tab to embed ads such as Google AdSense or other media to your website and integrate into your pages. For Ads and "Adds". Get Your Google, Yahoo, other ad code, YouTube embed code, Gym Chat embed code, or other...[ Read More... ]
To add a photo or photos slideshow to your Page Photo Section, first you need to create a Photo Category for it.   You can do this directly on the Add/Edit Page, as well as from the top menu bar. ...From the Add/Edit Page... When creating...[ Read More... ]
You can allow users to select from privacy options for their app uploads.  To go to this section, go to Configure Site > Social Networking, scroll down this page or choose the sub menu tab "Profile" > "Privacy Settings" to jump to this...[ Read More... ]
In the Friend section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to allow members to request/add other members as friends.  Like other features, you can choose/customize the respective buttons, and how to display...[ Read More... ]
Go to Configure Site > Social Networking > Timeline for the Timeline configurations page.   On this page, you can configure which posts get displayed on the timeline pages - by who and which type - which features to use, customize the...[ Read More... ]
You can easily add a comments & ratings section to your webpages using Ultimate Web Builder software!  Just go to the Add/Edit Page on your Admin Panel, scroll down to the "Include Comments Section On Page" section, and configure...[ Read More... ]
You can find the Registration form on the Social Networking Configurations page: Click on the "Social Networking" tab, or the sub menu tab "Registration" to jump to this section. Customize the Registration Form to ask the questions you...[ Read More... ]
In the Configure Site > Social Networking > Member Search section of your website admin panel you can customize the search language phrases, and also select a profile date field to be used as an Age field, or any duration field.  Choose...[ Read More... ]
First you will want to configure your Mailing List Form, i.e. the Subscribe Form, where your web visitors can subscribe.  Go to the Configure Site > Basic Setup tab, Mailing List Form Section.   Fill in...[ Read More... ]
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