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In the Online section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to use the Members Online feature, whether to use it by default, and whether to allow members to choose their privacy setting for showing whether they are...[ Read More... ]
You can access your website email online through your web hosting control panel, cPanel.  It comes with various website email programs to choose from, all accessible from any computer with an internet connection!  Step 3 below addresses...[ Read More... ]
  Website Setup: In the Chat section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to enable the user-to-user real-time instant messaging feature.  Like other features, you can choose the button images and...[ Read More... ]
In the Friend section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to allow members to request/add other members as friends.  Like other features, you can choose/customize the respective buttons, and how to display...[ Read More... ]
If you like receiving/sending email from Outlook, or a similar desktop email program, you can easily set this up.  You can get the setup details for your email accounts from your web hosting control panel, cPanel.  For individual email...[ Read More... ]
RSS feeds are another way for your web audience to connect to/read your content.  And also you can use your rss feed page url (i.e. your-website.com/feed.xml) to share your website content and posts automatically to social networking websites,...[ Read More... ]
   On the Admin Panel Pages > Add /Edit Page sections, you can set any page to be Restricted Access for only Members and/or Member Groups you choose - just select the members and/or member groups you want to have access to that page...[ Read More... ]
In the Fan section of the Configure Site > Social Networking page, you can choose to allow members to fan other members.  Like other features, you can choose the button images to fan/unfan a member, and how to display...[ Read More... ]
**Update, as of Ultimate Web Builder 3.4 (all versions!), you can easily format your webpage using Divs, as described here: Further Formatting Webpage With Divs - Without Coding! Now onto creating tables, for tabular data (like our comparison...[ Read More... ]
To add a photo or photos slideshow to your Page Photo Section, first you need to create a Photo Category for it.   You can do this directly on the Add/Edit Page, as well as from the top menu bar. ...From the Add/Edit Page... When creating...[ Read More... ]
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