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Adding a comments/reviews & ratings section to your website Listings Directory is much like adding it to any other page.  On the Add/Edit Page for the Listings Category, just choose the option to turn it on and copy/paste the provided...[ Read More... ]
You can easily add a comments & ratings section to your webpages using Ultimate Web Builder software!  Just go to the Add/Edit Page on your Admin Panel, scroll down to the "Include Comments Section On Page" section, and configure...[ Read More... ]
You can create and embed a guestbook for your website using the built-in Comments App, in the UltimateWB Full version software!   Check out the UltimateWB Video Tutorual, "How to Add & Customize a Guestbook on your Website", for a...[ Read More... ]
First you will want to configure your Listings Directory App, under the Configure Site > Social Networking > Listings page.     This will take you to the Listings Config page:     Here you will find the...[ Read More... ]
Besides setting up the option for members/visitors to subscribe to new comments and receive email notification as described on "Configuring Comments & Ratings Section: Comment Like/Unlike, Subscribe, Post Processing", you can also...[ Read More... ]
On the Admin Panel Configure Site > Social Networking > Commenting/Rating section, you can configure how your comments/ratings section will work, will look, and what features to include.   You can choose to include a Likes /...[ Read More... ]
  Easily include the latest articles, classifieds, blog posts or latest forum posts in a section on any of your pages from your Add/Edit Pages on your Admin Panel - choose how many posts to include, and the listing style, then just...[ Read More... ]
You can easily integrate Google Maps in your Listings Directory App using the built-in tool, without any coding!  You do need to create a Google project if you haven't already for Social Login, and create an API Key - update the API Key in the...[ Read More... ]
Allow members to post events, click if they are attending or not, and buy event tickets too! First you will want to configure your Calendar Events App, under the Configure Site > Social Networking > Calendar page.  ...[ Read More... ]
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