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You can create, stylize, customize, and embed a dynamically generated mosaic grid in your website using the Mosaic Grid App, available under the Elements section of the Admin Panel.  A mosaic grid can consist of a mix of photos and text boxes....[ Read More... ]
First you will want to configure your Photo Uploads App, under the Configure Site > Social Networking > Photo Uploads page.     This will take you to the Photo Uploads Config page:     Here you will...[ Read More... ]
It's as simple as activating the tool, and choosing the options you want to customize it the way you want! Activate On-Photo Captions, Meme Generator Tool Go to your website Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking > Photo...[ Read More... ]
You can create Horizontal and/or Vertical Scrollers on your page, consisting of thumbnails and/or links for Same Level Links, Sub Level Links, or even the Page Photo Category Links (links to photo categories attached to the page - see Photos...[ Read More... ]
To add a photo or photos slideshow to your Page Photo Section, first you need to create a Photo Category for it.   You can do this directly on the Add/Edit Page, as well as from the top menu bar. ...From the Add/Edit Page... When creating...[ Read More... ]
There are a few ways to upload photos - directly on the pages/e-commerce item you are editing, or from the Photos menu. From the page itself: ...On the Add/Edit Page, from the left side column, next to the Page Content box: You can add/manage...[ Read More... ]
You can have multiple slideshows/categories attached to each page and displayed as thumbnails/links in a row or column for the web visitor to click to load.  You can choose to display the row of thumbnails/links under the header or above...[ Read More... ]
You can add a watermark directly to your photo(s) on the Add/Edit Photo pages.  Choose the watermark transparency percentage and the watermark position on the photo(s).  You can Batch Watermark photos on the Add Photo page when using...[ Read More... ]
To add photos to an Item: Upload the photos first (refer to Photos App: "Upload Photos For Your Website").   You can aadd photos/tag it to your item directly on the Add/Edit Item page, as well as on the Photos > List Photos page...[ Read More... ]
Use the easy text editor for adding text and inline photos to your page. You can add a table to the editor box to add more format stylings. Use the Insert image icon on the text editor box to add an image by inputting its URL. Or add photos from...[ Read More... ]
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