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Item Payment Processing: Downloads Access/Add Member to Group

You can choose actions for your website to perform automatically after a customer purchases an item ,and payment is confirmed, on the Add/Edit Item pages, in the "After Payment" section.

Manage E-Commerce, Ultimate Web Builder software


Item Downloads Access/Add Member to Group After Payment Setup, Ultimate Web Builder software

You can choose a member group to add the customer to after payment and the membership days - set this to 0 to not expire.  You can use this to provide access to certain page(s) of your website to the member after payment.  Also, you can choose to give Download Access to a file after payment, and choose the number of download access days - set this to 0 to not expire.  You can upload this Download Access File directly here; you can zip multiple files.  Members get a list of File Downloads they have purchased and access to on their Profile Page, Downloads section.

If you have chosen the E-Commerce Type PayPal Shopping Cart or PayPal Checkout, these actions will be performed automatically after PayPal confirm the payment has been processed, as per your instructions on the Add/Edit Item pages.  Otherwise, if you have chosen the E-Commerce Type Email Checkout option, you can manually perform these actions using the E-Commerce > List Files/Group Access Info tab.  On this page you will find the Add Access and Edit Access options.


E-Commerce, Add Files/Group Access, Ultimate Web Builder software


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