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You can stylize your website calendars via the Admin Panel Style Manager.     On the Styles Manager page, click on the "Calndar" link to get the Calendar Styles page.     Then, on the Edit Calendar Styles page make the...[ Read More... ]
Go to the Configure Site > Styles Manager tab to stylize your website. One easy form to fill out, sectioned out for each part, then just click the "Save" button at the bottom when you're done. From this form you can upload background...[ Read More... ]
1) First you will want to configure your Forum App, under the Configure Site > Social Networking > Forum page.     This will take you to the Forum Config page:   At the top, there are Placeholder Text that you...[ Read More... ]
You choose a Page Format, but say you want to further format the Content section with tables or divs or paragraphs, i.e. columns, of set width.  When the window size gets to a certain width, you are going to want these formatted sections to...[ Read More... ]
You can easily add a non-scrolling top row - or footer row - to your website.  The UltimateWB website has a non-scrolling top row.  We use it to allow users to login/access their account easily, and also to make the menu always available...[ Read More... ]
Whether you are just starting to create your website or already have built your website with Ultimate Web Builder, you can switch to Responsive Web Design (RWD) with one click of a button.  Just turn the Responsive App ON.  We already have...[ Read More... ]
Starting from Ultimate Web Builder 3.4 - all versions! - we have made it a lot easier to format your webpages further than the Page Format you choose, using Divs.  No coding necessary. You can (A) Set a Div Format for a one paragraph section,...[ Read More... ]
If you just want to redirect users to a temporary page while you are creating your website, you can use the Site Maintenance Redirect App that comes built-in UltimateWB.  But say you have switched from another website builder that didn't let...[ Read More... ]
You can add your own custom php or html coding using the Ad(d)s section in your Admin Panel.  Please refer to the "Adding Google Ads, You Tube Videos, Gym Chat Videos/Media Feeds, Google Analytics, and other Plugins" article, except instead of...[ Read More... ]
Create page sections to integrate in one or more pages of your website easily, by copying/pasting the generated Placeholder Text to where you want it to display Use when you want to create a page section to display on multiple pages Uses Content...[ Read More... ]
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