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To Configure your Contact Form go to Configure Site > Basic Setup, Contact Form section, and fill-in/edit the configuration settings.  Leave any field blank to not use in the contact form, mark which fields should be required...[ Read More... ]
You can customize your Forms configuration under the Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking > Forms tab.   Here you can customize the language phrases and settings.   You can create forms/surveys under the Admin...[ Read More... ]
Scrolling down on the Admin Panel Mailng List > Compose Mailer page, you will find the KEY you can use to populate your mailing list fields into your mailer.  In the example on the right, the first two fields are connected to the Name...[ Read More... ]
You can find the Registration form on the Social Networking Configurations page: Click on the "Social Networking" tab, or the sub menu tab "Registration" to jump to this section. Customize the Registration Form to ask the questions you...[ Read More... ]
First, configure the general Polls App configurations on your Admin Panel > Configure Site > Social Networking > Polls page.     Here you can customize the language phrases and settings.     You can create...[ Read More... ]
On the Social Login Admin Panel page you can also map the Facebook / Google member fields to your website member database.  Just choose which Social App fields you want to map to which member fields, and whether to map the fields on each...[ Read More... ]
Got hundreds or thousands of subscribers to input into your mailing list database?  Don't worry, you don't have to input them manually one by one!  Just use the Mailing List App Import Subscribers tool, under the Mailing List > Import...[ Read More... ]
In the Configure Site > Social Networking > Member Search section of your website admin panel you can customize the search language phrases, and also select a profile date field to be used as an Age field, or any duration field.  Choose...[ Read More... ]
First you will want to configure your Mailing List Form, i.e. the Subscribe Form, where your web visitors can subscribe.  Go to the Configure Site > Basic Setup tab, Mailing List Form Section.   Fill in...[ Read More... ]
First you will want to configure your Listings Directory App, under the Configure Site > Social Networking > Listings page.     This will take you to the Listings Config page:     Here you will find the...[ Read More... ]
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