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Got hundreds or thousands of subscribers to input into your mailing list database?  Don't worry, you don't have to input them manually one by one!  Just use the Mailing List App Import Subscribers tool, under the Mailing List > Import...[ Read More... ]
Go to the Mailing List > Compose Mailer tab to write your email to your subscribers, choose who to send it to, optionally add file attachments, and then choose to Send, Save & Send, or just Save as a draft to work on it later.  You can...[ Read More... ]
The HTML Feed Generator works in conjunction with the RSS Feed Generator.  To configure, go to the Configure Site > RSS Feed Settings tab.      As noted in the user manual article, How To Easily & Automatically...[ Read More... ]
You can easily change your email account password from your web hosting control panel, cPanel.  The first 2 steps are the same as when you create a new email account: 1) Login to your web hosting control panel (refer to logging into cPanel...[ Read More... ]
You can change your Email Account quota or delete your email account from your web hosting control panel, cPanel.  Please note that when deleting an email account from here, all your server email (email saved on the server) will be deleted as...[ Read More... ]
You can easily create your own email account(s) on cPanel, your web hosting control panel.  All UltimateWB web hosting packages come with at least 1 custom email address.  Your email address will be in the form of...[ Read More... ]
You can access your website email online through your web hosting control panel, cPanel.  It comes with various website email programs to choose from, all accessible from any computer with an internet connection!  Step 3 below addresses...[ Read More... ]
First you will want to configure your Mailing List Form, i.e. the Subscribe Form, where your web visitors can subscribe.  Go to the Configure Site > Basic Setup tab, Mailing List Form Section.   Fill in...[ Read More... ]
Scrolling down on the Admin Panel Mailng List > Compose Mailer page, you will find the KEY you can use to populate your mailing list fields into your mailer.  In the example on the right, the first two fields are connected to the Name...[ Read More... ]
If you like receiving/sending email from Outlook, or a similar desktop email program, you can easily set this up.  You can get the setup details for your email accounts from your web hosting control panel, cPanel.  For individual email...[ Read More... ]
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